"The X-Advisors..." Part XXV...

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Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXV...

Cal Tech cafeteria...

"This is so nice..." Amy noted. Eyeing the four seated with her...Howard, Bernadette, Raj, Lucy. "I don't get to meet with you guys enough outside my relationship with Sheldon. So, Leonard is doing well?" She put on nervous smile, sensing...

Not to mention repressing annoyance...I could be at my lovenest for a lunch in Paradise with my best friend sitting lover/fiancée right now but the four of you suddenly catching me at my lab and literally taking no "no, another time, thank yous" for an answer.

"Leonard's fine. We need to talk to you, Amy." Bernadette eyed her. "Raj and Lucy have been putting their heads together and told us some interesting things about your past...With Sheldon."

"What?...What...Past?" Amy stared, putting on innocent look. "You guys know I owe you and Raj for my hooking up with Sheldon through your brilliant manipulation of social media, Howard."

Oh, right...Remind us how ephemeral our little Frankensteinian triumph really was, Howard thought, sighing.

"Can it, sister..." Lucy frowned. "Raj and I have blown this case wide open via Internet searching. You've known Sheldon Cooper for years. You used Raj and Howard's attempt to find him a date online to get in with him. We want the goods..."

We've binging on noir to get ourselves in the right detective frame of mind. We may have overdone a bit but detective mode seems to cancel out her social awkwardness..." Raj shrugged to Howard and Bernadette's look... "I really think police detective may be the career for her."

"Amy?" Bernadette sighed to Amy's anxious face. "I'm sure you had your reasons for keeping it from us but we know you went to Austin with Sheldon...And you came to Cal Tech for Sheldon's sake..."

"That's ridiculous..." Amy waved it off. "You think I've followed Sheldon around like an adoring puppy for decades just to get close to him and never let him out of my sight? And then made sure my dating profile matched his to have an excuse to, finally, after years of dreaming....Longing..."

"Amy..." Bernadette frowned.

"Talk, you..." Lucy glared.

"Sweetheart..." Raj, gently. "No need for the third degree and rubber hose..."

Hmphf...You people are too soft with these types, Lucy frowned, leaning back.

"What can I say?" Amy sighed, eyeing them all. "It's true...I did go to University of Texas at Austin...And because I knew Sheldon was there. I did follow him to Cal Tech. I did tweak my online profile a tiny bit to fit his...Though you all have to believe...I really do love you all, now I know none of you is a threat to my relationship with Sheldon."

"Amy? You've been stalking Sheldon?" Howard stared. "For decades?"

"Not stalking...Protecting...There's a difference...To me, anyway. You haven't mentioned this to Penny?" anxious look. "I wouldn't want her to think all my friendly and lesbian advances were duplicitous to gain a foothold so I could better observe her and Sheldon together..."

"Were they?" Lucy, grimly.

"Not...All...Of the friendly ones...Once I was sure her vixen ways and bodacious physique held no charms for my Moonpie."

"Who were you protecting him from?" Howard asked, shaking head. "And why didn't you just..." Hmmn...Well, Sheldon...Approach with caution under any circumstances...

"I may as well tell you the whole story..." Amy sighed...But with repressed enthusiasm for the romantic tale of devotion and love about to unfold...

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