"The X-Advisors..." Part XXX...

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Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXX...

Kripke's office...

"So you actually reminded Barry of this meeting just to get me away from Susan Stein?" Sheldon eyed Amy from his chair in front of Barry's desk.

Amy, somewhat sheepish expression from her seat...

"And you...? Kripke? Agreed to help?" he turned to Kripke, who gave expansive wave of hands.

"Oh...Amy promised to fix you up with Susan..." Sheldon nodded.

"Now rweally, Cooper. I am a rwomatic and naturwally was rweady to do all I could for love. And a healthy degrwee of sex." Beam.

"Thank you, Barry." Amy offered. Quick nod to his look...

But can't promise she won't just kick you to the curb...

"Anytime. Which are the hourws you may offerw our wisiting physicist of porwn." Slight bow. "But, as long as we are herwe, Cooper..."

"Fine...Just let me hug my fiancée." Sheldon, turning to smile at a pleased Amy.

"I insist...And am happy to memorwize the occasion with photos and videos." Kripke, eagerly pulling phone.

Make sure you cover as much of me as possible, Amy hissed to Sheldon as he came to her.

"Say, what the...?" Kripke, holding up mug of hot coffee, the mug dissolving as the coffee remained fixed in place.


"She's gonna rewrite time? Time, I mean? Her time with Sheldon? Amy?" Penny gasped. "That's not possible...I mean Sheldon can't do it so..."

"I fear so..." Stein nodded. "And brilliant as Sheldon undoubtedly is, his is not the last word in Physics. And this isn't his area of concentration. But to remove Amy as a rival she either has to prevent...Her...Or prevent her from ever meeting Sheldon."

"But if she does that, either of them...?" Penny blinked.

"The consequences on so many lives are incalculable...More even then just our world...The very fate of all the universes could be affected."

"And Leonard and I...Without Sheldon, without Amy..." she stared. "And you say even the start is dangerous...?"

"The energy required to make a large enough wormhole bridge to accomplish what Susan hopes will involve massive destruction...Even perhaps...Total." Stein noted.

Penny, blinking at his stare...Then ripping phone from pocket, dialing...Come on, come on. Stupid, stupid bastard...Leonard, damn you! She threw phone down on sofa. "It's going to voicemail. He turned his phone off...Damn him!"


"But Dr. Francis..." she eyed Stein. "He'd be killed too. He doesn't strike me as the suicidal type." Narrow stare as she took up phone again, looking for Amy's number and pressing.

"Xavier's become very good at deception but I believe he truly no longer cares so long as I am punished." Stein, calmly.

Amy...Amy...Amy...Goddamn you, bestie, answer!

"She's not picking up either..." Penny shook head. "Lets take my car...I'll try Howard and Raj but lets go. Now, doctor! I swear I'll drag you down the stairs if I have to..."

"Of course..." Stein nodded, moving to the door. "It maybe the electromagnetic field is blocking your signal...Though even Xavier's test experiment might do that, in the local area. If we hurry..."

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