"The X-Advisors..." Part XXVII...

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Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XXVII...

Oooh...oooh, oooh, oooh... The famed theme from The Classic Outer Limits program playing through Leonard's particle lab. Leonard seated at bench, Penny standing beside him. Raj, Dr. Francis, Amy and Sheldon listening.

"Ah, there's nothing like the classic..." Raj noted fondly... "That old theme music always makes me too creeped out to turn anything on but I love it. Excellent choice, Music Director Hofstadter." He smiled at the beaming Penny.

"That's my wife..." Leonard, fondly.

You...Penny shyly. "Three hours today, not one minute more..." she insisted.

"Thanks for that much. I'll stick to the deal, don't worry...Ms. H." Leonard grinned.

"I'd stick an extra-half hour on for that Mr. H, but I love you too much." Penny eyed him.

"It's good. I don't want to push it either." Leonard nodded.

"Now that sounds like the old days..." Dr. Francis grinned, listening to the music as he stood at bench jotting notes.

"Remember that afternoon we spent discussing the creature from 'It Crawled Out of the Woodwork' and you told Lin and me how you'd destroy it?" Leonard beamed.

"The classic movie approach, really..." Dr. Francis smiled. "Choke it with all the energy you can muster, split it into two stable elements. Simple but the simple classic is often the best way."

"So this is what you do all day? Talk about how you'd beat monsters in old TV shows?" Penny mock-frowned.

"On the good days..." Leonard grinned. "Indeed." Xavier agreed. "After all, what's more probing than the human imagination? And what frees it more than the speculation of science fiction, comic books, graphic novels, the occasional fine film..."

"I know some of my best ideas came from..." Leonard began...

"Dutch physicists who beat you to the punch whose work you then imitatively reproduced?" Sheldon, looking over Dr. Francis' shoulder at his notes, cut in.

"Make him crawl back into the woodwork and you've earned my tax dollar for the year." Penny frowned at Sheldon.

"Ole ball and chain's got him by the throat already I see..." Sheldon hissed to Amy beside him.

"Careful...Don't discourage them or we may find him or her living with us like some bad 80s sitcom. Their depression hanging over us like some grim cloud, poisoning our loving atmosphere." She replied, in whisper.

"Really? Us with you, that's your concern?" Leonard frowned, easily hearing.

"Nonsense. We have every faith you and Penny will succeed as a matrimonial couple." Amy smiled.

"With their history, I give them two months." she hissed to Sheldon.

"Generous..." Sheldon shook head.

"Hey..." Penny glared.

"Just being realistic, bestie..." Amy noted.

"Amy..." Penny, hurt. "You're my best friend. You're supposed to be supporting us."

"Sorry...My own catlike fear of dread regarding my own romance is leaving my empathy at an unusually low level as compared to my generally loving warmth."

"Don't be afraid..." Sheldon patted her.

Ohhh...Penny teared up... "Look at them, Leonard..." she gasped, shaking head, taking his hand. "Our young people..."

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