Chapter 30

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Mom: sweetie! Look who's back
Dad: Hey y/n
*you and Grayson stood in complete shock and just stared at them*
Y/n: W-What are you doing here?! *you said in complete disgust*
Mom: He's visiting...we're also reconsidering trying our relationship again
Y/n: Mom what the fuck, he literally used to HIT YOU!
Mom: y/n! Ava's here!
*Ava had a confused face*
Dad: hunny just give it a chance...I know it's been a long time but I promise I changed *he said getting up and walking over to you two*
Dad: Wow really took care of your self over the years *he said looking at his body*
*he reached out to shake Graysons hand*
Y/n: NO! THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT! don't call me "HUNNY" you have NO right to come into MY family that YOU left, wanting to be apart of it again! EVEN AFTER YOU ABUSED MOM AND TREATED ME LIKE SHIT!
Mom: Y/n...
Y/n: NO! *you grabbed a hoodie and handed it to Grayson, took his hand and left*
~Gray was was silent until he grabbed your hand, relieving stress~
Y/n: I can't believe him
Grayson: I know
Y/n: Who the fuck down he think he is? He can't just randomly try to come back into my life! Like what the fuck *you sighed as Grayson gave your hand a light guys got to ware house*
Charles: Grayson things are not okay
Grayson: Believe me Charles, I know that
Charles: No...I mean like multiple gangs are coming after a TON. We were the main source for drugs and weapons and that's gone...people aren't happy
Calvin: That is correct Charles *he walked out with a smirk*
Grayson: Where the fuck did you come from
*he said getting in front of you*
Calvin: I'm not here to attack, I'm just here to tell you your gang is slowly starting to die, just wait and see what's coming for ya! And I see Ms y/n SOMEHOW survived from that fall?
*he walked over to you two*
Grayson: I swear to god, if you try to touch her, your head will meet the ground faster then last time
Calvin: Grayson your threats are so funny, you won't do shit because you know if you attack me I'll have twice as many people come out and hurt or kill each and everyone of you. Now, I suggest you get your shit together...or...the vipers might really go in the dust this time
*he planted a cocky smile on his face as he left...Grayson let go of you and immediately called dan, Leo, and crum*
~Phone call~
Dan: Grayson, get the fuck out of that building
Grayson: What why?
Dan: Calvin has 3 gangs going there tonight with loaded guns, you, y/n and everyone else NEEDS to leave NOW.
Grayson: Okay, what state are we going to?
Dan: Leo will text you that
Grayson: Fuck, alright...
Grayson: Okay, We need to leave...we have a ten hour flight
Charles: Where are we going?
Grayson: I'll tell you on the plane
*you got to the airport and boarded*
Charles: Okay where?
Grayson: Hawaii
Grayson: Yeah, it's the safest place that I know at the moment...

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