The Bakugou's

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Izuku POV:

"You ready to do this Izuku?" "Um...define ready?" Me and mom got off the train to head into the area I used to live in. Since the incident yesterday with the USJ attack, mom's been kinda uneasy with me after seeing how messed up I was. "So where'd the Bakugou's live again?" "If I remember correctly, they lived  down a street or two to the right when we get to this park. We should be able to see the house on the left when we turn." "Hard to believe their faces while realizing you're alive and happy." I started to mess with my hair a bit to hide my scar while agreeing.

Flashback to the evening prior

Once I was released from Recovery Girl's office, Kaachan ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders in a panic. "Dude, I think my folks found out you might not be dead!" "Wait, you didn't tell them I wasn't!?" "NO WAY! I WANTED IT TO BE A SURPRISE WHEN YOU WHOOP ASS IN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Mom looked at Kaachan a little skeptical while asking. "So how do you know they think this?" "They saw that video of Izuku singing and wanted to know who he was. I said I was having a friend over who knew the guy not saying it was him, so now they're expecting him to come over." I started to panic while trying to back out of this.

"I-I think I have a date tomorrow with Mina. Yeah, I made a deal with her to head to her favorite shop tomorrow and I'm certain Kino and Yui would want to know I'm safe, so I'm going to-" "You ain't chickening out of this you little pain in the ass." mom grabbed my shirt while I went white as a ghost. "You've been holding off going to see the Bakugou's for years, now you'll see them." "but-" "BUTTS ARE FOR KICKING! You're going to go there tomorrow and I'm coming with you so I know you're not gonna be a chicken and sneak away from it." I felt a lump in my throat scared beyond belief of what would happen.

Back to present

"So what are the Bakugou's like?" "Well, aunt Mitsuki is rather nice and caring. She always treated me kindly and made sure to keep Kaachan in line the best she could. But she can be kinda...'strong' with her choice of vocabulary and how she reacts to things she's passionate about." "Define strong?" "You'll understand when you see it. Uncle Masaru on the other hand, he's very calm and happy with how his life is. He's a gentle person who tries to be a voice of reason when he can. He admires heroes and wished to become one when he was younger. But he couldn't, so he had to change his career. He doesn't regret it though since he met aunt Mitsuki from it and has the comforting family life he has now." "He seems like a quiet dude." "He is a little on the quiet side, but I didn't mind it since he is the calmest in the family."

As we neared the house, I felt very nervous and began to overthink why I was there. 'What if they don't like me anymore? What if they agreed with my parents choice of actions later in life? What if they take one look at me right now and are ashamed of what happened? What if-' "You're internally panicking, aren't you?" "A-a little." "Look, your friend said that they looked for you and was willing to sock your birth parents for what they did. To me, they gave more of a damn about you than your asshat of parents before me. That proves they're good people." I smiled at this while mom wrapped an arm around me. "Let's go show these people that your fine and a handsome young man." "R-right."

We got to the door for it to open to Kaachan. "OH YEAH, I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY YA OLD HAG-" He was cut off in an argument by a pan being thrown at his face. "YOU WANNA TRY THAT AGAIN YA BRAT!?" "Uhh..." Kaachan came out of his argument to see me and mom who was kinda confused on what was going on. "Seems you both made it." "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING AT THE DOOR KATSUKI!?" "I'M TALKING TO A FRIEND YOU OLD HAG! GET SOME TEA OR SOME SHIT, HE BROUGHT SOME SNACKS !" "DON'T YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS!" "TRY ME!" "Now I see what you meant by strong vocabulary and her reactions." I nod while Kaachan let us in. "Thank you for allowing us in." We bowed to Kaachan while entering into the house.

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