Work Studies

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Izuku POV:

After the days off we had, school started back up for me and everyone. "Wish it didn't rain the first day back." "Yeah shroom! It's so dreary out." Yui and Kino had a conversation about the weather while my mind was in another place. "Please pick up the pace you three! We are UA students, so being early is our objective!" Iida came running past us and made a wave past him. "He's fast." "Yeah, like a car shroom." The girls started laughing while I remembered something bad that happened. Upon my time talking with Iida, I learned that he was Ingenium's younger brother. I also found out the other day about the attack on the turbo hero and that he's not in the best condition right now. "Izuku?" "Huh?" I'm pulled out of my thought process when I noticed we were at school. "You ok?" "I'm fine Yui, I was just lost in thought for a few minutes." "You seem to be doing that a lot lately shroom." I smiled and laughed it off. "I guess my mind has been a bit preoccupied lately. Let's go before we're late." We walked into the building to get to our lockers to change our shoes and get to class.

Once in the classroom, Iida seemed a bit out of it and not his normal stiff of a self. I personally thought he could dial it back a bit, but this was weird. "Iida. You ok?" I decided to talk to him with my friend putting on a fake smile. "Why yes. I apologize if I may have seemed a tad strange." I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to call him out on it afraid to touch a sore spot. "If you need to talk, know I'm here for you." "I appreciate the offer Usagiyama." I walked back to my desk with Mr. Aizawa walking in shortly after. "Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." Walking in, our teacher had a lack of bandages which relieved us a bit. "It's good to see you without any bandages on sir *ribbit*." "Yeah, the old lady did a larger amount during the break. Not proud of the fact I was out cold for a large amount of time." He gave some emphasis on some scar on his lower eye. "Anyway, we have a special class for Hero Informatics." Everyone held their breaths thinking we were getting a pop quiz. "You all need to think of hero names." Everyone's fear went to joy. "Shut up!" Mr. Aizawa showed his quirk to force everyone to remain quiet.

"These hero names will be important for a work study you all will be doing a week from now. In this, you will be learning on the field with a pro." Mr. Aizawa turned to the side to present a board of names and numbers beside them. "The people on this board are those who had obtained picks from agencies due to them finding interest in them." Looking at the board, I noticed I had quite a few to make me rather happy that I'm doing something right.

Shoto Todoroki: 4,123

Izuku Usagiyama: 3,901

Katsuki Bakugou: 3,556

Fumikage Tokoyami: 390

Tenya Iida: 301

Denki Kaminari: 272

Momo Yaoyorozu: 108

Eijiro Kirishima: 68

Ochako Uraraka: 20

Hanta Sero: 14

"The picks are normally more diverse, but our top three took most of them." "I'm surprised you didn't get the most votes Izuku." "Yeah. You got first and beat Todoroki, yet you didn't get as many as him." "It's not an issue Sero. Besides, it all depends on who scouted me." "Regardless of how many offers you got, you all will still be performing in this work study. Also, don't get too disappointed in this. An agency can give you an offer or retract it during your time here." I smiled at this knowing everyone wouldn't have to worry about coming up with nothing. "For those that didn't get any offers, you'll be picking from a list of 40 agencies with a respected history with us. Now for the second half. We have a guest here to help with coming up with names." "Hero names can be something for life. So it's best to choose something that isn't indecent, or there will be hell to pay." On cue, Midnight walked in to stand at the front. "When thinking of hero names, it is sometimes best to think of one that specified around who you are or your quirk." "As Midnight said, hero names can be permanent from here onward. So as to prevent any future issues, Midnight will tell you if they're alright or not." Once this was said, Aizawa pulled his sleeping bag up to pass out on the floor. 'I gotta find out how he can be so relaxed enough to sleep in front of his class.'

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