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Abi's P.O.V.

I was woken by someone pounding on the door downstairs, I quickly looked over at the alarm clock, 3:17am, before rolling over to face Clint.

"Clint, someone's knocking on the door." I whispered as I shook him.

"Go answer it then." He mumbled.

"Clint, it's 3am, I'm not going down there alone." I hissed.

He let out a groan and rolled over to face me, his eyes going wide when whoever it was pounded on the door again.

"See?" I said.

He nodded and got out of bed, going over to the closet and pulling out a baseball bat. I gave him a weird look but he just shrugged it off and headed for the stairs, I climbed out of bed and followed him. I stayed a few feet away from the door as he opened it, the bat gripped tightly in his hands ready to swing if whoever it was is a threat.

"What you gonna do with that bird boy? I thought your weapon of choice was a bow and arrow." Someone joked, I recognised the voice instantly.

"Tony?" I asked as I stepped into view, confirming my thoughts.

"The one and only." He said with a smirk.

"What do you want Stark? And how did you find us?" Clint demanded.

"We have a mission so you need to come with me, and I just tracked your phone. What is this place anyway?" He asked with a frown.

I looked at Clint for some sort of guidance but he wasn't any help so I turned to look away from Tony, avoiding his gaze.

"Well?" He said, sounding a little confused.

"I... uh..." I started.

"It's ours." Clint said.

"What?" Tony asked.

"It's a long story, not one for 3am when I should be in bed." Clint said, shooting Tony a glare.

"Fury's orders, not mine, trust me I'd rather be in bed too. Come on Barton, we need to go." Tony said.

I peered over his shoulder and managed to make out the outline of a quinjet through the heavy rain.

"You can't leave me here alone!" I shrieked.

"You'll be okay, C-" Clint started but Tony cut him off.

"Pepper is just about to get off the jet, she's going to drive you home in Clint's truck in the morning." Tony said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god." I said.

"What, you scared of a little storm?" Tony mocked.

"Don't even think about it Stark." Clint growled, stopping Tony before he could say any more.

"Sorry." Tony said, backing away as he held his hands up.

Pepper appeared a few minutes later and after I had said goodbye to Clint, he and Tony disappeared into the night. I was left feeling sick and Pepper gave me a worried look as she followed me into the kitchen.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked.

I nodded, not trusting my voice, as I filled a glass of water and drank it all in a matter of seconds.

"You look a little pale, as if you've just seen a ghost. What's going on?" She asked.

"I just... he... last time Clint went out on a big mission it didn't end too well." I said as I looked down, playing with the bottom of my t-shirt.

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