1-A Violin

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Joshi smiled before playing a random video and projected it onto the screen.

"Get ready to laugh your asses off, peasants." 

Deku was seen playing the cello intensely as Denki was passing by, hearing the song.

"I didn't know Deku played cello." Uraraka said as Iida shrugged.

"I am not so sure about Midoriya's musical ability, just keep in mind that this is a multiverse." Joshi said as Uraraka nodded.

"Woah, excuse me!" Denki asked as Deku stopped playing and looked up at Denki.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Oh my god, that's so cool! You're playing that---" Denki snaps his fingers before pointing at Deku's instrument again.

"Oh my god Denki..." Jirou sighed as Kaminari stared back at her in confusion.

"What? I'm not a musician." Everyone stared back (bc he was the electric guitar, I think) at him as he just raised his arms.

"A classical musician! Okay? I'm not a classical musician!"

"The big violin!"

"Seriously?" Momo asked as Denki sighed.

"Cello, it's a cello." Deku deadpans as Denki nodded.

"Yeah, the cello. I love the cello, it's the most beautiful instrument."

"Very opinionated." Aizawa deadpanned as Joshi stared back at him with a glare.

'Your daughter and son plays the cello, Shota. Stop being a hypocrite.'

"Yeah, uhhh... I was just practicing Shostakovich." Deku said before getting interuppted

"Do you know that song, that.....Ah!" Denki starts humming a melody

"Cello Suite No. 1 by Bach." Momo and Iida chorused before looking at each other with the nerd gaze.

"I-ummm... Well, it's not actually a song, it's actually by Bach---" Deku gets interuppted again..

"Ah! I know! Pachabel's Canon!" Denki pointed out as Deku sighed in utter disappointment.

Everyone started laughing at Deku's pitiful demise as Denki just can't help but spit out a chuckle before laughing his ass off.

"Get out!" Deku said pointed with his bow, being so done of Denki's bullshit.

The sound of the orchestra sang in the room as Todoroki and Momo were tuning their violins

"Excited for the new program huh?" Momo asked as Todoroki nodded

"Yeah, first rehearsal." Todoroki said as the music died down.

"How's your weekend by the way?" Momo asked as Todoroki sighed.

"It's not bad, I just went to the beach." He replied as Momo nodded.

"That's nice, what were you up to there?"

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