The Resident

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"Who's next?" Joshi asked as the arrow pointed towards one of the villains. She moved towards the crowd of villains, before the arrow switches to the heroes.

"Why don't you make up your damn mind?" Joshi groaned as she walked towards the heroes only for the arrow to bolt to Dabi.

"Well okay.." Joshi said as she shoved the compass down her pocket.

Deku was seen walking down the halls of the hospital, calling someone from his phone.

"I hope you're having fun down there. You'll let it slide soon honey." Deku giggled before a loud beep was hear from his pocket.

"I'm paged, hun. I'll call you back." Deku said before hanging up and rushing to ER.

"BP 125 over 80, stabbed by a metal rod." Uraraka said as Sato groaned in pain from the metal rod on his shoulder.

Everyone in the room flinched at the painful look of the metal rod piercing through the shoulder.

"I did not expect this from you." Shigaraki said as Dabi just shrugged.

"I wanted to be a doctor when I was younger, then it switched to heroism--"

"And then an arsonist."

"Huh, where did the essence of childhood go?"

"Fell on a skewer. AGH!" Sato groaned as Deku looked at his hands, which caught on 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

"Plus that." Uraraka added before handing him a digital chart.

"A barbecue gone wrong is quite dangerous. Anyone else hurt?" Deku asked as Sato shook his head.

"Nope, just me, the cook." Sato laughed before Deku smiled as his blood pressure dropped back to normal.

"We'll treat those burns first before we get to the shoulder skew." Deku said as Sato looked at Deku in confusion.

"Aren't you going to remove it?"

"Not yet, because if we do, you will loose a lot of blood. What's your blood type?" Deku asked as he got out antibiotic cream from the drawer.

"Type O, but I have diabetes. Why would you ask that?" Sato asks as Deku spreads the cream on the burns before letting them dry and wrapping them in gauze.

"Just in case you loose blood in the ER." Deku smiled before leaving him.

"That is not one way to assure a patient that he's gonna be alright." Recovery Girl laughed as Joshi just chuckled lowly, since she could relate at a spiritual level.

"Hey sir. SIR!" Sato yelled as Deku turned the corner and approached Iida who was on the desk.

"Book an ER, I think Kirishima Eijirou will do? Isn't he a trauma surgeon?" Deku asked as Iida nodded.

"He's a general surgeon. I'll send him the case later, he's booked with an appendectomy right now. Name?"

"Sato Rikido, Type O. Skewer to the shoulder. Note that he's diabetic." Deku said before his pager goes off again.

"Alright. Nurse Mina will take him." Iida said before Deku thanked him and walked off.


"Your dad's a piece of shit." Bakugou complains as Todoroki sighs.

"Thanks for the acknowledgement." Todoroki smiled as Endeavor glared at his son and the blond.

Oh Hey Look, A DekuverseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora