QnA by Yours Truly

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(Not a QA for Author, because I berate myself. HA)

"You'll get a little twink in this video." Joshi chuckled as Yuki gared at her.

"Yeah, let's see how this goes. Can't possibly beat my Fem and Dare Au."

"Hello ladies and gents. Lesbians and gays, transgenders and straights." Deku greeted as he twirled around his rolling chair (I have one of those)

"Whoever you are, welcome." Deku smiled as he clasps his hands together before falling off his chair.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, because of their clumsy little cinnamon roll, or should i say sinnamon roll.

*We'll Be Right Back*

"Sorry for clumsy little me." Deku apologized as he sat down on his chair.

"It's me, you're boy. It's Q and A time, people!" Deku said leaning on the desk before falling once again.

"Sit properly Midoriya!!" Iida scolded as Deku covered his ears, trying to ignore the noisy bluenett.

*Please Standby This Child Doesn't Know How To Sit Like A 'Lady'*

( I used hashtags just to not accidentally tag someone)

Question: #revelryinthedark
Where did you get your make-up?

"My make-up is one of a kind." Deku voiced before laughing.

"No, I got this from Hot Topic. Cuz everything is emo there, and I love it. And never online, because they could be scams or they're complete death to your face. Just any brand you're comfortable with, resonate with your mood and boom. This emo baby." Deku said as he gestured his face.

"Ahhh, Hot Topic." Jirou sighed as Momo looked at her in question.

"You're personal go to?"


Question: #icreatethetea
Got a boyfriend?

"Seriously? This is just the second question and already someone asking about my love-life." Deku laughed before it died down pretty quickly.

"Well, it's the regular for someone famous." Hawks said as Deku paled.

"I don't want that kind of question."

"I don't know, do I have a boyfriend?" Deku sarcastically.

"Babe I'm home!"

"Oh the irony~." Todoroki laughed as Deku blushed, his friends laughing at his clear lie.

*Please Standby*

Question: #literallyonair
Any hobbies?

"I do a lot as my hobbies. Which is why I procrastinate." Deku snorted as he sipped on his coffee.

"I do painting off time--"

"You paint?" Everyone asked as Deku shrugged.

"Yeah, sometimes. But I'm not that good at it." Deku said before Inko leaned into All Might's ear.

"That's a lie."

"I do a lot of hero analysis stuff, hence my podcasts and commentary on hero fights on this channel. I hope they don't take down my work on the internet or I'll literally yeet a [REDACTED]." Deku hissed.

"Yeah we should take them down." Naomasa said before Deku held his shoulder.

"Please don't."

"A lot of singing, witchcraft and does procrastinating count as a hobby?" Deku joked before going to the next question.

"I would say it is a hobby." Shinsou chuckled as Iida scolded Deku for procrastinating.

Question: #speedingwithouttickets
Many of my friends talked about you and told me to ask a question. I'm not very familiar with you but do you have any more plans with your career?

"Shame you don't know me." Deku winked before keeping his legs off the desk.

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