Lights! Camera! Action!

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"Oh wow...." Mimi groaned as Yuki placed in the recording.

"It's an interview, that's just it."

"Actors... They're stars of the media, acting in and out of character, in front of the camera and behind closed doors. These people are often famous, posing as models to the public to set a social norm. But what is the truth behind these talents and skills, are they just in it for the fame and money? Or is it an escape from reality and its cruel ideals." Denki narrated.

"My name is Denki Kaminari, and today we'll be sitting down with some famous actors you know of to get a better insight in the world of actors." Denki introduced as he sat down on his chair.

"Denki? An interviewer?!" Everyone yelled in shock as Denki's jaw dropped.

"Oh this is gonna be good." Mineta grinned as everyone started to panic.

(Insert Intro, bc idk how to describe it, terrible author points: 1)

"Hello, Midoriya, Todoroki and Uraraka!" 

"Hello, it's so good to meet you!" Deku greeted as he shook Denki's hand while the others also shook the host's hand. The three of them were interviewed separately.

"Thank you so much for coming down to explain about the wonderous world of actors!" Denki thanked as Deku smiled.

"It's no problem." Deku said as Todoroki chuckled.

"A wonderous world indeed." Todoroki sarcastically said as everyone in the room laughed.

"It's not at all that wonderous, it's just, alright." Uraraka explained as Denki shrugged.

"What do you mean it's just 'alright'? I wanted to be an actress!" Uraraka yelled as Momo shrugged.

"I mean, there's no difference. It's just like normal, but a lot of people like you and know you is all."


"I mean, that's why you're here." Denki said as the guests chuckle lightly.

"So what do you consider yourself, an actor? An entertainer? Someone famous?"

Uraraka: I'd like to call myself an actress.
Deku: An entertainer
Todoroki: actor?

"Can you explain how it's like to be an actor?" Denki asked as Todoroki cleared his throat

"It's just people expecting you to live up to your expectations and just constant change of attitude, because people wanna see it." Todoroki replied non-chantly as Denki stared at him.

"Umm..Sho, do you need help?"

"No need, you being beside me is all I need." Deku blushed as Todoroki smiled before snuggling his head on the shorter boy's shoulder (Look at me go! bullying the short one XD).

"That's a little deep."

" I didn't really have a choice. I used to wanna be the bad guy type, but my manager wants me to always be the hero, as you could see, I never really had any villain roles at all, which kinda sucks." Todoroki complained as Denki smirked.

"So you like to just, destroy stuff and kill people?"

"One day...." Denki laughed as Todoroki shrugged, since he's always wanted to be the bad guy for once.

"Why do you wanna be a bad guy?" Jirou asked as Todoroki grinned.

"Ah, just wanna be a bad person for once. You know, break stuff, throw the rule book out the window, be a little free."

"Does that count killing people?" Toga asked as Shouto hummed.

"Depends on who."

"Aight, little bro. Get ready to commit arson and murder when we get back." Dabi said as he clicks a pen and starts writing on a small notepad.

"Ooooh, who are we gonna fuck up?"


"Should I be worried?" Endeavor asked as Joshi shrugged.

"Im'ma just put a fireproof spell on your house, I guess?"

"It's being an inspiration to people that you can be anything you want to be. As long as it is a good thing nothing bad will happen to you if you choose that path." Deku said as Denki nodded.

"Typical Deku."

"Is that supposed to be a bad thing?" Deku asked as everyone shook their heads in panic.

"NO! That's a good thing!"

"Is that why you also do antagonist characters?" Denki asked as Deku laughed nervously as he looked at the camera.


"As much as I want to say, 'I can't see Deku being an antagonist', but the previous universes have said otherwise." Sero sighed as Toshinori agreed.

"Imagine our reactions later on if we saw this first."

"It's just for the movie and the fame! I'm just happy that people like me and not the character." Denki wheezed as Uraraka was just giggling

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