Ten months

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After everything that happened, everything was now peaceful, for now at least. Kat told me he was going to talk with Broccoli for some reason as I had to fill some papers about me using my quirk like that on the streets. The police let me off the hook as I was recommended into U.A. High by the 2nd best hero. It's a shame I couldn't use my quirk to be entered, but I'll see what I can do about that.


I turned to my side to see Kat walking beside me exhausted. Did he seriously run?

"Hey bro, how'd your talk go with the kid?" I asked walking up to the door.

"I told him that I'll never need his help ever again!" He said. "And why didn't you do anything?!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you didn't need any help back there." I said with a smirk. "I thought you wanted to be greater than All Might right? You had your opportunity right there."

"What did you say?!" He asked with fire in his eyes.

"Relax." I said as I opened the door. "Hey mom, we're home."

"Hey boys, dinner is over there. I'm going to bed." Mom said going to her room.

10 months left, what a pain.

{You in Midoriya's training montage}

I was in class as usual, boring stuff that I already knew. I was taking a nap until I heard excessive muttering in front of me. I opened one eye to see and hear who the person is muttering words. It was Broccoli kid. I saw the teacher's hand move up to him but I smacked Midoriya' sheaf to get him refocused.

"Hey bud, I get you want to get into U.A. High, but you have to focus on the work before that happens ok?" I said leaning back on my chair to read a book.

"R-Right, thanks Y/N." He said moving his mindset back to class.

What the hell?


Back into class, this kid looks exhausted.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked Midoriya.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine..." Midoriya said with a yawn.

"If you say so." I said.

He looks like me when I used to train with Todoroki's father. Endeavor.


Is he actually working out in class. He really wants to get into U.A. That badly huh?

"Use this." I said handing him a much more difficult hand grip. "It's more effective."

"Huh? I can barely...close it!" He said struggling. "But it can...make me stronger at least."

I approve of his actions and training to becoming a hero. Just who is he training with and who's teaching him? I don't care that much.

{Timeskip, February 26, dawn}

I was out on the streets returning from a party that was more or less amusing. Mom's going to be pissed I didn't return until now. I was walking until I heard a scream.

"The fuck was that?" I heard it from the beach.

I went into an alley to teleport to a closer one that was near the beach. I saw a trash pile with guess who? It was Broccoli kid. Is he going super saiyan? I saw a blonde man who looked weak and old. I then saw from on top of a building the beach was...clean. Not a single piece of trash left. So this is what he's been doing the whole time.

"Excellent work kid!"

I then turned back around to see All Might? How did he get here? Midoriya fell off but All Might caught him. Wait a sec...All Might is his teacher? Lucky bastard. I'll wait and see if he'll make it through the exam.

{Midoriya's POV}

So I held out my hands into the future.

"Eat this." All Might said.

"Huh?" I said with a blank face.

I'm a Hellspawn! Momo Yaoyorozu x Male Spawn ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now