The first day

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Well, it's the first day. Classroom isn't that bad. Pretty clean, just doesn't make sense for a big ass door. I walked in and I was seated next to a girl with a ponytail.

"Hi, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu." She said holding out her hand. "Nice to meet you."

I looked at her hand and shook her hand with a slight smile on my face.

"Nice to meet you too." I said. "I'm Y/N Bakugo."

"Oh, so you're his brother?" She said pointing at Kat arguing with some kid with glasses.

"Who, Kat? Yeah, he's my bro." I said. "Why do you ask?"

"You don't have the same color of hair than he does." She said.

"That's something personal I can't say to you." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" she said as she was interrupted by the teacher of this class.


Well, for the first day I made a new friend. She's alright. We all got in this...uniform that really didn't fit me but was required. I saw a grape haired kid looking at Yaoyorozu's... I smacked his head to make him refocus and stand somewhere else.

"Y/N." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Hm?" I said giving my full attention.

"What was your farthest distance throw with a softball in junior high?" He said.

Everyone had their attention onto me. Great, the only thing I didn't want is what I'm getting.

"It was 69 meters or something like that." I said.

"Try doing it with your quirk." He said with everyone turning their heads back to me.

What is up with everyone? I walked up and grabbed a ball and went in the circle to throw it. I looked back to see everyone waiting for my move.

"C'mon, you're wasting everyone's time." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Alright, I'll move on." I said facing the other way.

My eyes began to glow green along with my right hand. I then threw it with full force making fly off at blazing speed.

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities." Mr. Aizawa said.

The ball landed pretty far. It's good enough.

"It's the most rational way to figuring out your potential as a pro hero." He said holding up a device that showed how far I threw it.

1046.5 meters

Everyone looked at my score amazed and shocked. Guess I kinda overdid it a little. I'm sure it's fine, he said use my quirk. Everyone then began saying this was going to be fun.

"So, you think this is fun?" Mr. Aizawa said. "You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's going to be games and playtime?"

Everyone then looked confused. I like this guy already.

"Idiots." He said with a smile. "Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately."

"WHAAAAATTTT?!?!" Everyone but me said.

Everyone finally woke up. This is going to be interesting.

"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs." He said moving his hair up to reveal his face. "Understand? If that's a problem, you can head home right now."

I'm a Hellspawn! Momo Yaoyorozu x Male Spawn ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now