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I was so lost in kissing River, his lips, his touch. So lost in the perfection of it all that I didn’t notice the door being opened. When I said everything was perfect I meant it in a way that my life was going how I wanted it to. Everything was falling into place. 

Leaping back into my corner of the hot tub I stare at the sliding doors. Meeting Cori’s stunned expression. He stood with Joanna who didn’t look as concerned, her sky blue eyes watching everything play out. 

I’m not embarrassed by River, I didn’t want anyone finding out this way, it was supposed to be on my terms.

“Oh my god!” Cori whispers, his eyes as wide as saucers, as he stands there like he’s stared straight into Medusa’s eyes, her turning his to stone.

“H-Hey Nugget, how was your trip?” I try to sound calm but I fail miserably. Sweat forms in the palm of my hands and my fingers tremble. This is not how I expected today to go.

“I’m gonna go take Joanna upstairs… get dried and dressed and I’ll come down when you’re done.” Poor boy is as awkward as ever.

Scrambling out of the hot tub, I dry myself quickly with the towel, throwing it to River after I am done. Throwing my clothes back on, I start pacing, hoping he hasn’t told Bentley just yet.

“I’m sorry about this.” 

“Tell me how it goes, okay. I’ll text you.” He kisses my forehead before leading himself to the front door, me following behind him. Bidding our goodbyes, I catch Cori watching from the top of the stairs, his arms crossed like a father would do if he caught his daughter with someone. 

“When did…” he flails his arms around, trying to form words. “That… start.” 

“It’s pretty recent…” 

“Look I’m not mad, I can see that you’re happy, but do you have any idea how Bentley is going to react. Or my parents?”

“I have a pretty good image in my head.” I mutter, my mind flicking back to the promise I made to Bentley. He’s extremely serious about promises. I promised to get him something before but I got him the complete opposite and he ripped my head off about that. I can only imagine what he’ll do this time. 

“I won’t say anything but sooner or later they are going to find out and it won’t be pretty. Tell them beforehand,don’t keep it hidden too long, that’s when it won’t go accordingly.” 

He’s right. I need to tell them sooner rather than later. If I don’t it will all end badly. 

“Joanna’s sworn to secrecy, so you have time to think about how you'll approach the situation.”

“Thanks Cori.” and I mean it. He could’ve gone off on me. 

I’ll tell them all tomorrow afternoon. When the boys are back from college and Jake and Nicola are back from work. I’m going to be straight up with them, totally upfront.  

“THE MAN OF THE HOUSE IS BACK PEOPLE!” Bentley’s voice roars, clapping his hands as he slams the front door open, dropping his duffle bag at my feet. 

“I don’t see Jake anywhere.” I say with a chuckle.

Bentley rushes up and kisses me on the forehead, ruffling my hair. He launches on my back making me topple forward.

“God, why are you wet?”

“I had a lovely time in the hot tub, you boys being, thankfully away gave me much needed time to myself.” Lie number one, I think. 

“You didn’t miss me?” he pouts.

“Of course you doofus.” Lie number two. I was having the time of my life with River. 

“Well Cori, the ladies and I had a marvellous time on the beach these past few days. Decided to come back early for college and to see you of course.” 

“I’m glad you had fun.”

I notice Cori’s disapproving glance. He didn’t actually think I was going to tell Bentley now did he?

“What did you get up to?”

“Nothing special.” Lie number three.

“Boring!” he sang while taking his shoes off. “Lena’s coming here in a minute, she’s just at the chippy. I can’t wait for you to meet her B.” He genuinely looks joyful, and I’m not prepared to start a storm just yet. I wouldn’t want to selfishly ruin that. 

“I can’t wait to meet the girl that’s got my boy so bashful.” I smile. 

The night went on, with laughter and fun. My laughter was forced and my happiness was drained out of me. I kept going over my plan in my head, how I’ll tell them and what I’ll say.

Sooner rather than later plagues my mind throughout the movie, and Cori’s disapproving gaze seems to be imprinted in my mind. I can’t tell Bentley yet, Cori doesn’t understand that. A promise with Bentley can never be broken no matter how stupid the promise may be. Maybe he’ll forgive me, but I can’t be too sure. I don’t want to jinx anything. 

I’m relieved that I have a little more time to figure it all out.



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