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Tonight’s the night I tell the rest of them. Bentley, Nicola and Jake. I think they’ll appreciate it more if I’m honest with them. Nice, simple and quick. 

Cries and banging wake me with a jolt. Rubbing my eyes I get out of my bed. Going to Cori’s room I hear his whimpers and frustrated sighs. I’ve never heard him like this so it’s really unusual for Cori. 

“What’s going on?” I ask, seeing him wipe the tears falling down his face. His eyes were red and his skin was blotchy around his eyes. 

“J-Joanna.” he stutters

“What about her?” 

“She cheated on me… w-wi...w-with G-Greyson.” he cries.

Rage flares up within me. I knew he was planning something. I knew it all along. I didn’t think it would be something like this though. I’d ask myself why he felt the need to do this but he’s Geyson, he needs no reason. The boy I knew a few years ago had a sense of loyalty and respect, he’d do anything for you. Now he’s a completely different person. I never expected this from Joanna though. Has she been playing Cori the whole time. What type of person does this? She is supposed to be loyal to Cori, not betray him like this. Cori doesn’t deserve to be cheated on. Nobody does.

“I’m gonna kill him!” Fury. That is all I feel. Nobody and I mean nobody hurts my friends like that, my family. “Wake him up.” I point to Bentley who is still fast asleep. “Time to start a war.” starting a war with Greyson Cole might not be wise, but there’s no other option.

Having a quick wash and throwing on some clothes and shoes, I go back to Cori’s room, now being occupied by his parents too.

“I’m gonna punch him.” Bentley tells me, anger radiating itself off him.

“I’m going to punch her.” Smirking, we fist bump and watch Nicola and Jake comfort their distressed son.

“You don’t have to go to college today sweetheart, we understand.” Nicola rubs Cori’s back as he stumbles out of bed.

“I need to go. Get answers.”

“Only if you’re sure. You too look after him and for the love of God don’t be starting any fights.” Jake says pointing his finger at Bentley and I.

“Me and Bentley… fighting… please…” 

Jake doesn’t look satisfied with my response. I can’t really blame him. He can read Bentley and I like a book. 


Driving down the road to college I keep my head out the window, thinking over Carla’s warning. Cori said before we got in that she’d been cheating on him for a while, the relationship between her and Greysom starting around late October early November. It made me wonder if Greyson was planning to ruin all of us a while back, way before the two of them idiotically trashed his house. 

This is only the beginning.

Parking up, Cori runs ahead, stomping towards the college's automatic doors, his fists clenched. Chasing up to him, he saunters to Joanna, he face blank. 

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