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A few days have passed and I haven’t been able to leave this house. Bentley and Cori aren’t speaking to me and Nicola and Jake are only saying two words to me. When I got home after speaking with River I felt like we were saying goodbye, so I went to message him, the message was ready to be sent when Nicola grabbed my phone and stormed out the house and into her car. I have no idea what she’s done, and she won’t tell me either. Everyone’s taking the situation so seriously and I can’t handle it much more. 

My phone chimes and I reach for it seeing River’s name pop up. My heart drops while reading the message. This isn’t happening. Not now. 

“NICOLA!” I yell, storming down the stairs. I open the door to the living room with a hard swing, rushing in where the four of them sit playing happy family. 

“What Blaze?” 

“You bitch!” I spit, hovering over her. “You sent him away didn’t you? Told him to go back to New York. You said if I broke it off that you wouldn’t do that.” 

“I did what I had to do. It was for your own good.” She thinks her actions are justified. That she did the right thing. She couldn’t be more wrong.

“I hate you!” I scream grabbing the remote from her hands and throwing it across the room. “I’ll never forgive you for this.”

Ignoring the calls from the others I go back to my room, checking his message once again.

I’m going back to New York. This shouldn’t have happened. 

Searching up the flights for today I find one going to New York, boarding in an hour. It takes over an hour to get to the airport, if I break the speed limit I might get there in time. I can’t leave things this way. I can’t. Throwing on my jacket I go back downstairs in search of car keys. 

“What are you doing? Give them back!” Bentley snatches his keys off me. Only Bentley is in the living room, the rest of them outside. 

“I know I lied to you, and that you hate right me, but please I need to get to the airport Bentley. Please give me your keys.” I say blinking back tears. I can’t let them out yet. 


“I need to see River, just give me the keys.”

“You’re not driving in this state...I’ll drive you. Come on.” his words stun me back a bit. I didn’t expect this from him. 

Without a second thought I run to the door and to the car, climbing in as soon as Bentley unlocks it. Bentley zooms out of the driveway, and starts driving up and down different roads until the main one. I drum my fingers on my knee, glancing out of the window. The traffic is a mess causing my endless fidgeting. 

“Go a little faster, you can get past those cars.” I order him. 

We’re not going to get there in time. He’s going to be already on the plane by the time this traffic lets up. Biting my nails, Bentley speeds up, slamming on the acceleration and swerving past cars which I’m thankful for. He doesn’t have to do this for me, but he has. Maybe our friendship isn’t lost after all.  

At the lights I let my eyes glance over the signs, looking for the one with the plane sign. Spotting it makes me sigh in relief, we’re close, checking the time on my phone I realise it’s not close enough, fifteen minutes. 

Bentley drives way past the safe speed limit as we reach a section of road with no cars on. The buildings and people are blurry as we pass. Stuck behind a line of taxis, I see the airport up head. Ten minutes left my phone tells me as I check it. 

“Come on!” Bentley yells with his window rolled down. 

Eight minutes left. 

“I’ve got to go.” I tell him, scrambling out of the car, dodging cars as soon as I climb. Sprinting toward the sign saying Birmingham Airport, I run through the road toward it, ignoring running through the crowds of people on the pathway.  

The horns of cars are distant and the noise my only focus being on getting to River. Panting, I stop abruptly to check the time. Five minutes left. Dashing through the automatic doors, I search for the number of the New York terminal. Spotting the number I rush toward it, past different people, the security. Ignoring everyone. Two minutes left. 

“Now boarding the plane for New York.” the speaker calls.

I push myself to run further, despite being lightheaded and having sweat on my forehead. I just have to get to him. It’s not the end yet. He promised someday.

Finding the terminal, I maneuver past the people in my way, not bothering to say sorry. One minute left. One minute and he’s gone for good. I find his familiar raven hair, him being tall being a God send in this moment. He passes through the threshold of the terminal, my heart pounding as he does. The door closes behind him. Time up.

“River!” I shout. 

Falling, I drop to the floor, the ground hitting my knees on impact. The tears come falling like a waterfall, my face becoming wet. I punch the ground, my emotions being all over the place. 


He’s gone. And he’s never coming back.



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