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Sundays were usually spent in the General's home. All his siblings, children and grandchildren came for lunch which sometimes extended up till the late afternoon and even evening. The adults would engage in games of mahjong while the kids either swam, watched movies or just hung out in the General's property.

Because Rj was the eldest among the cousins who lived in the Philippines, he was his grandparents' favorite, especially the General's. Rj's and Richi's parents worked in the medical field and were constantly away for conferences before Richi got sick. Whenever they were away on conference, the siblings would stay with the General and their Nana.

"O Kakoy, have you decided what you want to do for college?" 'Kakoy' was the General's nickname for Rj and it was only the General who called him that.

"Hmm...doctor?" Rj answered tentatively.

"Are you sure?" the General was quite surprised by Rj's reply. He knew how he resented his parent's profession because they couldn't save Richi. "Remember, this will be your life-long profession so dapat decided ka. Ganito, why don't you read up more on what you want to do after you finish school. Travel and see the world. After a year, let me know." The General said. He had promised to shoulder Rj's college education.


"O ano na ang plano mo?" Carlo asked when Rj mentioned about the General's suggestion.

Rj shrugged his shoulders. He was unsure of what he really wanted to do with his life at that moment. He had succeeded in school despite his grief and depression; he enjoyed the company of Carlo and being part of the school's soccer team. But, the more he thought about how his life was, the more he realized that he really didn't have a plan...yet. Besides, if he left to travel and eventually study abroad, he wouldn't see HER anymore.

So, after years of just watching her from afar, Rj decided to do something. "Ca, paano ko kaya sya makikilala?" he asked Carlo one afternoon while they watched yet another soccer practice and game.




"...Meng?" Rj said quite softly.


"Si...Meng...yung ka-duet ni Tiago sa misa..."

"Tiago? Ah...dude, umalis na si Tiago..."

"Ano? Anong umalis?"

"Nag-migrate yung family nya..."

"Eh sino na ang ka-duet ni Meng pag-Sabado?"

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