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With the dissolvement of their work team up, both J and M were more flexible to work with other staff members. And because of his specialization, J had patients on different hospital floors as well. His interactions with M helped J improve his personality more. He wasn't called Dr. Sungit anymore.

Caleb, a 10-year-old boy, was crying and in distress when J entered the room. J talked to his mom a little bit before beginning his examination.

"...he's been complaining of severe stomach ache since the other night...we brought him to the emergency room. They told us to return if he developed a fever which he did last night..." Mommy Ruth said.

"Has he pooped since?" J asked.

"...very little...he was crying the whole time but he doesn't like being helped in the bathroom..."

J turned to Caleb who was lying in bed. "...that's good. But even if you're a big boy already, sometimes, you still need help, diba?" J said as he listened to Caleb's chest. He lifted the boy's gown and noticed that it was distended. He gently pressed on Caleb's belly to examine his spleen, bladder, and stomach. He made Caleb sit up so he could listen to his back. Caleb had been crying and sobbing heavily before J entered the room. He was whimpering and trying not to bawl as J examined him. Caleb began to slightly gag as he held on his belly while J listened to his chest.

I'll have to check if he's impacted, if he has hard poop stuck in his rectum..." J said after he examined the boy.

"They did an initial exam in the ER but found nothing..." Mommy Ruth said.

"Ahh...Caleb, Kuya Doc will check your bum-bum if you have poop stuck inside ha? If he is impacted and it doesn't come out thru rectal stimulation, we'll give him some laxatives to help him go..." J talked to Caleb then to his mom.

Caleb's parents and J didn't notice Caleb wince once more in pain before coughing. Caleb turned toward J who was standing beside the bed. The force of his coughing caused him to projectile vomit. J caught the first vomit on his shirt and pants. Caleb vomited a lot on the bed and on the kidney dish they managed to put under his chin.

"Sorry, Doc..." Mommy said as she handed J a towel while Daddy helped Caleb who cried even more.

"It's okay..." J said as he pushed the call button so a nurse could come and assist.

J immediately went to the staff lounge where he showered and changed into a clean scrub suit which he borrowed. He later returned to Caleb's room to perform a digital-rectal exam to check for fecal impaction. "So far, everything is clear although he is constipated. I want an ultrasound done to check his intestines. I don't want to stress him further with a colonoscopy so hopefully, some laxatives will help." J said when he finished his examination.


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