Chapter 40

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"So when are you supposed to get your stitches out?" Zali asked curiously as she watched Evania go over what had to be their daily ritual. Zali, Kai, Vanessa, Ciera and Janet had joined Sylvia and Evania in their dorm for a study session and were seated around the coffee table in the middle of the dorm.

"Hopefully in another week or so." Sylvia answered with a shrug before giving Evania a quick kiss on the cheek as she finished. "It doesn't sting as much anymore, which is nice."

"It's healing fast ain't it?" Vanessa smiled, lightly tapping her pencil on her binder. "It used to smell a lot worse."

"It used to smell?" Janet questioned curiously.

Evania stuck her tongue out with a shiver getting Sylvia to roll her eyes. "It got a little infected on the first day." The succubus shrugged.

"Succubi claws carry minor curses don't they?" Kai's ears flicked and stood up like it peeked her interest.

"They do indeed. Though it's more like a cursed poison." Sylvia nodded. "Hence why I don't use my claws. It's just rude."

"Glad you have class." Vanessa chuckled.

"I should have shoved it in your face before bandaging it."

"Why? Do you want me to bite you again?" The vampire retorted.

"Evania would never let you do it again, unless I deserved it. And I haven't charmed you in a while."

You just thinking about it makes me think you deserve it. Evania rolled her eyes, her thoughts echoing around everyone's head getting them all to chuckle.

"You're supposed to help me and stand up for me." Sylvia pouted.

Evania gave Sylvia a quick and friendly pat on the cheek before turning back to her school work.

Ciera leaned forward as she peeked at Kai's paper curiously. "I seriously don't get how you can do that to your paper. You don't even have a pencil."

"Magic." Kai answered.

"Obviously." Ciera rolled her eyes. "But how do you know what you're writing with your magic? Like, how are you so perfectly between the lines? Your fake magic handwriting is better than my actual handwriting!"

"Magic." Kai repeated, this time with a slight tinge of amusement in her voice.

Evania managed to stifle a laugh, covering her mouth with her hand as everyone else giggled and laughed.

"And how about you then, are you taking care of yourself?" Kai asked, motioning towards where Sylvia was sitting without turning her head.

"I don't have a chance too. Evania makes sure I do everything super carefully now. I'm not suddenly going to pass out or anything." Sylvia rolled her eyes. "I'll get headaches and stuff sometimes. It's nothing serious."

"I distinctly remember the words 'Chronic Migranes.'" Vanessa noted, pointing her pencil at Sylvia. "That doesn't sound fun."

"I haven't had any bad ones yet." Sylvia answered. "Minor ones that make me a little dizzy or wobbly. But nothing too serious. I'm more worried about my arm to be honest."

"You should worry more about your head." Zali answered. "I would think you of all people would care more about possibly forgetting how to speak in other languages or something."

"I'm taking it very seriously. Even more so with Evania quizing me all the time." Sylvia rolled her eyes before trailing off in another language as Evania raised an eyebrow at her. Evania knew it was some ancient language, but it got Ciera to chuckle while everyone else stared blankly at the two of them.

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