Chapter 50

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"Kid, before you go let me talk to you," Shadis states while placing a hand on her shoulder to keep her from mounting Bolt. (Y/n) turns around to face him, "You know, I'm surprised by how much you have matured, although, something tells me you've always been matured."

"Hm, not really. I look back at these past few months and I like to think that I've grown since my trainee years. I used to be very carefree even when I had problems of my own, but things happened as you've probably been told."

"Of course I've been told about your peculiarities. I had also heard about what happened at Trost. How you led the group towards HQ and how you handled the situation. I was quite surprised. You could be a Captain one day or maybe even the Commander of the Survey Corps," he states.

She gives him her infamous smirk, "Aw, is cold-hearted Shady-poo complimenting wittle me?"

"I fucking hate you" Shadis sighs, but a small smile appears on his wrinkled face, "Marian would be proud of you and your brother. She may not be here to tell you, but I know that's what she feels. She really loved her family."

"Thanks, and I'm sorry for being such a dick for the past three years" she smiles at him.

"You made every single day more interesting than the one before," he tells her, "Even if you were an annoying pest."

(Y/n) laughs at the insult and she mounts Bolt, "It was nice seeing you, Keith."

"It was nice seeing you too, (L/n)" he pats Bolt's neck. He walks backward to see her follow her friends out of the training field. He smiles at her disappearing figure.

Levi sits down on the red couch with a cup of tea in his hand. (Y/n) sits down next to him after taking her coat off and hanging it on the coat rack. He watches her silently as she gets comfortable on the couch. She takes off her shoes and sits with her legs crossed on the couch.

She turns her body to look at him. His eyes trail down to the choker he had gotten her, "Levi, I know my boobs are hot, but my eyes are up here."

"Tch" he clicks his tongue while giving her a glare, "What did you want to talk about?"

"My cousin" (Y/n) replies and his body tenses. He turns his body to give her his full attention, "His name is Adonis De Paz and he had somehow shadow traveled me from here to Shiganshina. I saw Reiner, Bertholdt, and Ymir before I saw him."

"And he said that he knew that we were coming after them so he wanted to make a deal with me. The deal was that I hide during the battle for Shiganshina and Caleb's life will be spared or I fight alongside everyone and Caleb dies."

"So I gave him my own deal which was to either backdown or the cycle will continue. I panicked. I know I shouldn't have taunted him, but he was just so infuriating and I had to and for some reason, he kept calling me Sparrow. He then left and I was able to talk to Ymir. She told me she left me not because she wanted to but because of Eren."

"I don't really understand it, but I left as soon as I could," she finishes telling him about the previous night's occurrences. He places his cup down on the coffee table.

"Caleb's life is at stake from what I'm assuming," Levi states in a serious tone. He held back from using any insults since he knew how much she cared for her brother, "I'll try to discourage Erwin from bringing Caleb along."

"Is that possible?" she asks him.

"No, Erwin has a thing for endangering the lives of everyone. I'll try and see what I can do," he states and places a hand on her thigh, "I will do anything you need me to do, I hope you know that."

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