⑧How Can I Believe That?

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Jeongguk bowed his head to the three men after he served them their drinks and gathered their previous glasses. He shut the curtain and pivoted on his heel to head to the bar, but someone crashed into him. He gasped in terror when the tray flew out of his hand and the empty glasses shattered all over the place.

"I'm so sorry," he spluttered, panicked by the collision, but his alarm only skyrocketed when he glanced at the one he collided with. "I'm so, so sorry, V, are you okay?" He laid his quivery hands on his biceps, scoping his body for any sign of injury.

V smacked his hands away, a scowl adorning his features. "Clean this up," he snarled, not missing how terrified he seemed. "And I bumped into you. Sorry," he added under his breath and bundled off.

Jeongguk stood there for a spell, outright bewildered and taken aback by what happened.

"You okay? It looked painful." Yeosang appeared with a broom and a dustpan in his hands to help him.

"I'm okay, thanks," Jeongguk uttered and attempted to take the broom out of his hands, but he pulled away with a smile.

"Your pager is going off," Yeosang pointed out since he seemed too agitated to hear it.

"Um, thanks, I owe you." He gave him an uneasy smile and slipped the pager out of his pocket. He trod towards booth number twenty-four, drawing in calming gulps of air to mellow his still battering heart by the previous events. "Excuse me."

"Come in."

A woman's voice was heard, and he sighed in relief once he realized it wasn't her voice. He plastered a kind smile on his lips and glided the curtain aside. "Hello. What would you like?"

"Why don't you take a seat? Let's talk for a while," she said, voice mild and velvety, as she gestured him to sit.

"I'm assuming you know that you can use this service for only fifteen minutes."

"Yes, I know." She seemed strangely... normal to Jeongguk. "I'm Hwasa. What's your name?"


"And why are you here, Jeongguk?"

His brows furrowed upon hearing her question. "What do you mean?"

She cracked a small smile as she reached for her drink. "I mean, you're young. You're what, twenty? Twenty-one?"

"I'm twenty-one."

"See? You shouldn't be here. You're too young for this shit." She sipped her whiskey and let out a satisfied sigh once she felt the bitter drink burning her throat. "So tell me. What is a twenty-one-year-old doing here, working in the VIP section of V's club out of all people?"

Jeongguk could tell she had a strong personality and seemed quite confident with her words. It was kind of reassuring for some reason. "Should I tell you the whole truth? Should I tell you what no one knows except me and my two hyungs?" Maybe he asked that just for fun, but he was actually considering doing it.

Hwasa snorted in amusement as she kept her gaze on the glass in her hand, moving it in a circular motion. "Might as well do it, kiddo. We have thirteen minutes left."

"Nah, it's too dangerous. You'll reveal all my dirty secrets to V and I'll lose my job. I really need this job, Hwasa-ssi."

"I have no intention in doing that. It's your choice to be here, and I have no place to do something to take that away from you. I just want to know why you choose to be here. And I was getting a little bored, so why don't you let your dirty secrets out? Everything that will be said here will stay here as well." She set the glass on the table and focused her full attention on him. "I'm ready to hear a part of your story. Surprise me."

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