Chapter 39 - The Sons of Aquatic Royalty

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Suddenly, one of the doors opened, causing all to jolt from the surprise, "Please come in," the voice gestured.

Everyone cautiously entered the room. The walls were decorated with shelves of detailed potion bottles; each dedicated to a unique colour and purpose. In the centre, was a glowing mirror, "Finally we meet, young masters." As the voice spoke, the mirror glowed in unison of the sound vibrations.

"Y-you're a t-talking m-mirror?" Yoongi stuttered, staring at such sorcery.

"Yes." The mirror replied, "We have little time to spare, Young Masters. I want to explain everything to you. From the time before you were born to now. Miss Y/N is in great danger so we must hurry."

"Y-you know how we could save Y/N?!" Jin asked in relief.

"There is only one way. If we fail, there is no chance of saving her or the world." he replied, "Without further ado, I will start my explanation."

Marina, one of the surviving mermaids during the war between the sirens and mer-people, was taken away by commoners at birth under the order of the royal family of the Merpeople. She was the secret princess, who only her caretakers knew of her high status. Among the safe community, she slowly grew up to become a gorgeous mermaid, filled with life and happiness. When she finally possessed magical abilities, she learnt how to control and utilise them in an appropriate manner.

One night, her caretakers decided to tell her everything; her real parents, her status, her future as Queen of the Merpeople. The royal family decided to keep Marina in hiding as if they had predicted something bad was going to happen and...they were right. In the distance, screams were heard, "The sirens are attacking! Swim to safety!!". The war between the sirens and mer-people had finally begun.

Marina was forced to go to a place far away. Her caretakers protected her from anything coming or blocking their way before perishing to the floor when struck with arrows made of fishbones. At their pleading eyes, Marina could only swim away in tears. Swimming endlessly, she had not realised she had fled the area already as she kept swimming, not knowing when to end until she entered a cave. Her head hit against the hard cold rock wall and fell to the ground.

From then on, she named this cave as her home. She did not want anything to do with the royal family or revenge. She just wanted to live on in peace, just like her caretakers had told her. One day, Marina found a mirror lying on the ocean floor and made it hers, pouring her magic into it and creating something that was part of her now.

Centuries had passed. Marina had rarely seen any sirens, let alone any merpeople. She lived a peaceful life and yet, her curiosity overwhelmed her as she discovered the human realm where she fell in love and gave birth to 7 boys. Adopting a sweet baby girl became her end to the life she wished for on the dry land as she returned to safety among the seas, but she secretly watched over her family.

"...Wait...what was mother's name?" Jungkook asked.

"Mistress Marina." The mirror replied, as Jungkook interrupted the story.

"Marina? Don't we know someone named Marina?" Taehyung mentioned.

"... ...1 year the hospital...when Y/N was shot..." Hoseok gradually realised.

"...Y-you mean, that girl who said she was Y/N's friend...was actually our mother?!" Taehyung blurted in astonishment.

"Yes..." the mirror replied, "Mistress Marina also took care of Miss Y/N when she jumped off the cliff 5 years ago...she turned her into a mermaid for the price of her memories and therefore, when Miss Y/N wanted to come to the human world, she didn't remember you."

"So she's alive?! If she escaped father and was able to meet Y/N...then she's alive!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"No...Mistress Marina...sacrificed her life to save Y/N when she was shot. The bullet contained a magic spell that humans would impossibly heal." The mirror paused, "The pendants Y/N gave you...they were from your mother...she poured her remaining capacity of magic into those necklaces to protect you so her soul is currently at rest..."

"So...she's officially...gone from this world?" Jimin quietly asked.

The mirror took a long pause, "Yes...her soul, however, still remains, but you won't be able to see her. As part of her soul, I can still interact with her but no one else will be able to."

"H-hold on a second...s-so if our mother was a m-mermaid and a royal t-then...that makes us..."

"Exactly. You partially bear the royal blood of the Merpeople. One of you is destined to become the next King and rule the oceans...however, I believe that's what Mistress does not want... For now, let's focus on Miss Y/N."

"Who was that 'siren' with her?!" Yoongi demanded an answer, ready to destroy anyone who was going to harm her.

"That siren's name is Azalea. She used to personally serve the Queen of the Siren but after the war, she had become determined to take over the world for revenge..."

"But...what does this have to do with Y/N?!" Jin blurted in anger.

"Please remain calm, young masters. Mistress Marina and I didn't know how she ended in such a situation but I finally figured it out. Y/N's birth mother had difficulty during the birth process. Together, they were on the verge of death. Coincidentally, Azalea saved them by providing the blood of a royal siren and from then on...Y/N was destined to be the new Queen of Sirens."

"What?!!" The group yelled in unison.

"If we do not save her now...this world will go beyond redemption and we will all perish underneath. Azalea is so focused on taking revenge, Miss Y/N has finally become her...ultimate weapon." the mirror further added.

"Then how do we save her?!" Namjoon panicked.

- Few days later -

Third Person POV

Y/N silently stared at herself in the mirror. She wore an extravagant midnight gown with a heart-lined bodice, detailed with the rarest pearls of the Pacific that covered her tail halfway. Her hair curled into long waves of seduction and her makeup painted by the unique pigments of the ocean - suitable for a royal Queen. Her face covered by a long veil that

"Y/N~ you look extraordinary...Come! I shall escort you~" Azalea gently hooked onto Y/N's arm, immediately taking her away from the bedroom.


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