Chapter 42 - Again, Young Forever

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"See Y/N? That wasn't too hard~ Come on...we have the whole world to take care of~"

Y/N hesitantly remained on her spot watching the final outcome of the massacre on the floor before following Azalea.

Suddenly, "Aaah!!" Y/N's painful cry caught Azalea's attention. Her eyes fell to the knife made of mermaid scales that plunged through Y/N's chest, "Y/N!! Who dares to-!"

"I'm sorry... boss..." A familiar voice entered through Y/N's ears as the mysterious person gently settled her to the floor. The dark ashes poured through Y/N's eyes and disappeared into the waters. The floral tattoo that blossomed against her chest disintegrated as black blood poured through. Y/N stared at the person in shock before gently smiling with tears in her eyes, "...Holland...thank you."

Holland had a luscious red tail. His eyes were of bright ruby shades dusted with golden specks, that somehow gave off a calming and majestic sensation.

Holland immediately glared at the siren who remained in front of them, "So you're Azalea...If I'm not mistaken, you are Merlin's mother?"

"How did a merman like you get in here!?" Azalea's confused and angered voice raised to the surface, "Who the hell are you?!" Azalea raged as she stared at Y/N's lifeless body, "Do you have any idea what you have just done!?"

Holland smirked, "I just saved the world from cruel sirens like you!"

Azalea closed her eyes, trying to remain calm, "You think you saved the world? I don't think so...upon my breathing body, I shall-Ugh!!" As Azalea talked, Holland pursued the chance to dig the bloodied knife into her chest.

"You should not let your guard down...This is for killing my lover." Holland raised the knife again, "and this is for ruining my boss's life!" When Holland plunged the knife into her heart again, Azalea's body faded into ashes, "Ahhhh!"

In the silent castle, Holland's breathing steadied as he swam over to his partner, "Jaeseok! Wake up! Wake up!" His trembling lips continuously planted over his again and again.

"I'm sorry...I came too late...I haven't seen you for weeks...but I didn't know something like this was going to happen. When I saw the waters turning black, I immediately knew something went wrong...but I never knew it was Y/N..."

Holland POV

I remembered the day Y/N quickly took me in after I was rejected by many stores for work. It was my first time becoming a human and my first time meeting such a wonderful human being.

A few days later, a man entered the floral shop. His name was Jaeseok and we immediately fell for each other. Months later, he confessed about his true formation as a siren and I revealed my true identity as a merman. It was forbidden love. The history between the Sirens and Mer-people were unclear but we knew the two species hated each other and yet, we stayed safely in love on dry land.

I remembered Jaeseok telling me about his mother, Azalea, finding him a fiance but I never knew it turned out this bad. I never knew his mother hated the world this much.

I stared at Y/N's dead body as well as BTS's, "She doesn't deserve this...Such a kind-hearted woman...should never be destined to such a cruel future..."

'If only...if only we could turn back time...and change history. No magic. Just pure mother nature.'

The knife in Holland's hand radiated a warm light, "Eh?"

"You're Holland, right?" A soft voice spoke through. Frightened, Holland threw away the knife, "W-who?"

"Don't be afraid...My name is Marina...this knife belonged to me..." the angelic voice stated.

"The're a royal mermaid?" Holland asked.

"Yes..." Marina confessed, causing a shocked expression from Holland, "I heard your wish, Holland...I want to help. But I'm very weak at the moment."

"...why?" Holland asked, confused by the talking knife.

"You could say I'm dead. In this world, only my soul lingers now. I previously gave up my life to save Y/N."

"P-Previously? What was your relationship with her?"

"I used to be just like you. A mermaid on dry land. I adopted Y/N when she was a baby and BTS...are my sons." At that statement, Holland gasped again in astonishment, "Then, something tragic happened and I sacrificed my life to give it to her...but now, they are gone again...all of them."

Holland stayed quiet, empathising with Marina, "How could I help you?" he breathed, "You're royal so there must be some powers you have left. I can help..."

Marina took a long pause, "Thank you Holland but...are you sure?"

"Yes!" Holland answered in determination, "All I wish is for Y/N to live the life she deserves and for me...I just want to stay with Jaeseok..."

"..." Marina went silent again, "I hear you Holland. I can give everyone here another chance in life and I can let you stay together with your lover but...are you willing to give up your soul in this life? I shall reincarnate history and change everything..."

Holland shed tears as he stared at Jaeseok's sleeping face, "Will I be able to meet him again?"

"Yes, I promise. If fate is kind, your relationship shall blossom as it would have in this life." Marina reassured.

"Will I see Y/N again?"

"Yes, you will. But it depends if your soul remembers her." Marina informed, "But do not worry Holland. I know fate shall be kind to you. There is a reason why I can do so much with the price of your soul. You are a kind merman... Your soul is just as pure as you are and that is enough power for me to complete your wish.."

"...Then what will happen to all the Mer-people and sirens and magic?" Holland questioned in panic.

"...It shall remain hidden...I can never let the same thing happen again...but you do not need to worry about that." Marina soothed.

Holland inhaled deeply, "Alright. I'm willing to give my soul..."

"...Please pick up the knife..." Marina instructed.

As Holland picked up the knife, a calming golden light circled throughout the room, "Thank you again Holland. I shall remember your kindness. You have saved my sons and my daughter." Marina acknowledged, "You have prevented a tragic ending to the world and...recreated history."

The entire castle was engulfed in a sweet colour of gold and history was a clean blank canvas.


Year 1997

"Mrs Jeon! Just another push!" the doctor cried, "and he's out!" Mrs Jeon panted in exhaustion as she delightfully smiled at her husband.

"Oh?" the doctor's confused expression intrigued the couple.

"What's wrong doctor?" Mr Jeon asked in concern.

"Oh, it's nothing! But your son seems to have a pendant around his neck. Must be some sort of miracle!"

The nurse carefully placed the baby in the mother's arms, "Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Jeon! Your son is absolutely handsome~!" The couple delightfully stared at their crying newborn and the mysterious shell pendant.

"Hello, Jeon Jungkook~" they greeted, shrugging off the unexpected necklace that laid on their son's neck.


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