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Hello everybody. It's only 10 days until the doom eternal DLC part one comes out so I'm going to wait until it does and I've played through and looked up some stuff about it before continuing, because of what place we're at with the story.

For plans, I have a general plot line for quite a while, but it's just the smaller details and fillers which I need to plan. As you could probably tell though, getting up at 6:45 for school in GCSE year is really fucking with my schedule, both sleep and time, so I've had no consistent time to do any of this or had much energy if I do. I will try to get out chapters as often as I can, but it's a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Anyway, thank you all for sticking with me and still reading this book. Our first chapter alone has hit 1000 reads which is just insane. When I first started on Wattpad, I didn't think I'd even get 1000 total reads. I was only doing it for my own benefit, but now because I want to please you guys as well, it actually gives it more of a purpose, and I would like to thank you all for that.

Anyway, thank you for reading up to this point, and I will see you in about 2 weeks when I upload the next chapter after I've played through the DLC (on the 22nd of October on twitch.tv/balls66642049 at around 10:30 am GMT), but until then, this is

Cheese Epic out.

(P.S. Idk why it didn't upload this whole thing originally.)

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