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"Ronnie, play with me," Chandler begged as he jumped around the foosball table like a child.

"Okay, I already said 'no' three times now. Annoying me isn't going to get me to say yes but it will get you a soda can to the eye," She huffed as she blew on her nails

Chandler sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Why'd you have to get your nails done now," He complained, "Didn't you just do them a few days ago."

"Yeah but I got bored of the color," She explained as if it was obvious, "Why don't you play with your roommate?"

He paused as his face scrunched up in mild disdain. "He's not a big fan of foosball."

Veronica sat up straighter and her eyes brightened at the prospect of possible gossip. "Uh oh, are we not getting along with the new boy?"

"No he's, he's alright, just uh, he spends most of his time in his room," He explained slowly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, you're the one who decided to let a complete stranger move in," She shrugged before she sighed at the pointed look he gave her, "Okay, okay, fine I'll try to be helpful."

"Thank you," He huffed as he plopped down next to her and threw his head on her shoulder.

"Maybe you haven't taken the time to get to know him," She shrugged before she grabbed the tennis ball he'd been throwing into the air, "Let's fix that so you stop being mopey."

"No, no, no, we don't need to remedy that," He begged as he tried to stop her.

Chandler's eyes widened as he watched her throw the ball at Eddie's bedroom door.

"Oh yeah, it'll be fun," She nodded with a grin.

"What was that?" Eddie raised a brow as he stepped into the living room.

"Hi," Veronica sang, "I just thought that it would be fun if the three of us had some beers and got to know each other."

Eddie paused to think before he nodded. "Yeah alright, that sounds alright."

"Great!" She clapped her hands with a grin before faking a frown, "Oh, no! I just remembered Max is coming over but you two have fun. Bye!"

"That was so lame," Chandler scoffed under his breath as he walked her to the door

"What's lame is that I had to do that for you to talk to your roommate," She corrected sharply before pushing him towards Eddie, "Now, go make friends."

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Veronica hadn't been lying when she said she had plans with Max. The minute she left Chandler's apartment, she'd called him and the two had met up for an impromptu date. She couldn't believe how good everything was going with him. This had to be the best relationship she'd ever been in.

Golden Days︱𝐉𝐎𝐄𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐈Where stories live. Discover now