Chapter 105 ~ Auctioning Off

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*A/N :

Again, the faster you guys reply to the message I posted on my profile, the faster I can update the storyline. Please help for much more high-quality updates. I really don't like putting sub-par chapters out there. 

For those of you who don't know the problem and have read Medals before it got taken down, do you guys remember what happened in the book after they resolved their fight? Please message me privately if you do know or just post it in reply to my message on my profile. 

Thanks again ! 

Oh, and this chapter is a continuation of the last chapter ;) 


3rd Person's POV ~ 

"If you get anywhere near my dorm, I will punch you."

He laughed, dodging the sincerity in her promise. He turned to Jungkook who was watching the interaction with a unbothered expression. Cai opened his mouth, slightly disappointed.

"Is she really your girlfriend ?"

Jungkook peers between Lisa who'd simply hopped on the elliptical machine with her legs moving constantly and the boy who was staring at her. "You can have her." 

Lisa's head snaps up at his response, looking at him with wide, adorable eyes. "But-"

"Payback." Jungkook leans down, whispering in her ear. He pretends to adjust the machine for her, though he was really just pressing off and on again. "For you trying to auction me off to that girl." 

"Well you can't just give me away for free." Now she was grinning too. "I've got to be worth something." 

"I'll make a profit of you." He smiles evilly behind his hands. "But anyone I sell you off to would want a refund almost immediately." 

"Maybe." She shrugs, a small smile growing into a bigger one on her face. 

"So maybe I should just keep you with me." He smiles, punching her shoulder. "You know. Just to save us the troubles of having to go through all those transactions." 

"That would take a toll on you, wouldn't it." She pats his shoulder sympathetically. A mischievous smile grows on her face. "You did say if you were dropping by you'd be working out." She drawls. "Not wasting your time talking with me."

"Not wasting." He corrects. "Throwing down the dump." 

"Hey !" She laughs. "I thought you were going to be sweet for once !"

"Thank goodness that was never my intention, then." He smiles. 

"Something could've gone terribly wrong." She nods seriously before she grins and starts the machine again. 

"Tonight." He reminds her, cracking a bone in his neck with a sharp crackle before he trudges to the weights. 

"Bench pressing is such a pain in the ass." Jungkook murmurs. 

Cai had taken one of the benches, weights ready to left above his chest. "You need a spotter." Jungkook reminds him. 

"No I don't." He grunts. 

"Lisa !" Jungkook calls. Lisa looks up, ready to punch him. 

"What the fuck do you want ?"

"Could you spot the both of us ?" 

"Why am I the only one who plans out what I need to d-" Lisa grumbles, walking over and plopping down on the bench. She was covered in sweat, her pale skin glimmering under the gym lights. 

"You look nice." Cai offers a charming smile. Lisa stares at him before watching them lift weights again. 

"You look like a raw chicken glazed in oil." Jungkook grins. 

"Now that's an accurate description." Lisa grins, struggling not to only stare at him. 

"How is that a compliment ?" Cai demands. 

"It's not." Lisa blinks in surprise when Cai's arms were shaking from the effort of the weight's he'd chosen to carry. though he was trembling, he looked aside at Jungkook's weight which he was lifting easily, and it was about two times bigger than the one his frail arms were trying to hold. He tosses the smaller weights aside with a clang, grabbing the bigger one off. 

"Are you sure you can do that ?" Lisa asks, ready to step in. 

"Stop worrying." He growls. "I can do it just fine." 

"If you say so." She murmurs warily. 

After a minute or so, Cai's arms start to tremble for the weight, and Lisa had the impression that he wouldn't be able to keep it up for another 30 seconds. She slides her hand under the metal bar, easily supporting the weight before she takes it from him with ease. "You shouldn't get ahead of yourself." She says, putting it back on the rack. 

Cai glares at Jungkook who calmly puts aside the weights after 40 minutes, his thoughts flitting past him in a frantic pace as he wondered how somebody could do that much in one sitting. "Are you some kind of bodybuilder ?"

"No." Jungkook laughs, cracking a knuckle or two. Cai looked intimidated before Jungkook smiled and waved away his fright. "It's a habit. I'm not going to fight you or anything." 

"Good." He mutters softly. "I don't think I can survive." 



See what I mean ?

Crap and short chapters will be inevitable until somebody can be a savior and please tell me what they remember.  

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