Chapter 110 ~ Mishaps

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I just realized something....

Before this book got deleted, it had 114 chapters. (3 of them being author's notes). I'm four chapters away from finishing. And I started remaking this on October 11th. Now it's December 6th of the same year.

Do you guys understand what just happened ?!

110 updates in a little less than 2 months !


3rd Person's POV ~ 

He cracked his neck menacingly before ruffling his hair up even more and crumpling the collar of his shirt. He tugged open the door of the dorm, smirking at the scrawny boy in front of him.

"Hello." He smirks at the dumbfounded guy. 

"What took you so lo-" He stops, looking up from his phone and catching a glimpse of Jungkook. His eyes widened, roaming the cocky boy's skin. 

Jung kook's hair was messed up beyond belief, his shirt nearly ripped at the neckline. The fabric had stretched, making the shirt hang loosely around his neck, revealing a little more than just his collarbone. There were several faint pink marks that lined his jaw, trailing all the way up from  the darkest of them which was by the base of his throat. 

"What ?" He smirks knowingly. 

"Did I disturb something ?"

"No." He lies. "This happens quite often." 

"Often ?" The boy seethes. 

"Often." Jungkook smiles. He nods in affirmation, the lie slipping off his tongue in a heartbeat. 

"You're lying." He deduces, clenching his fists. 

"If you want me to kiss her in front of you, I will." Jungkook raises an eyebrow at him, letting his thumb run along his bottom lip. He leaned against the wall casually, his eyes hardening. 

"How 'bout I kiss her ?" The boy smirks, walking through the doorway. Before he could make it further down, Jungkook's palm had slammed against the opposite wall, the boy nearly bumping into his forearm. 

"Don't." He insists through a clenched jaw. 

The boy squeaked something about being sorry before scurrying out the dorm and shutting the door behind him. His footsteps where undeniably loud as though he were running for his life. Jungkook stayed behind to lock the door, his heart slowly beating less erratically. 

He walked back down the hallway, one hand stuffed in his pocket and another ruffling his hair up into a decent looking mess. His knuckles tap against his door, and Lisa's eyes peek out from the small sliver of the door she'd opened. She sees his face and grabs his elbow, snatching him inside the room and shutting the door. 

"What was that ?" She asks, pushing his chest softly. 

Though she hadn't put much force behind her actions, he'd found it convenient to act like she had and flop down on the bed behind him. He let his legs hang off the ledge of the furniture, his body propped up by his elbow. 

"What was what ?" He grins. 

"You know what I mean." She starts to blush, thwacking his head.

"No, I'm not sure I do." He smiles slyly, choosing to ignore her clues. 

"Why'd you kiss me like that ?" She mumbles. Her cheeks were still stained faint pink with pleasure. She didn't sound angry, rather curious. 

"Why did you ?" He asks, placing a hand over his heart. "I could've gotten a heart attack when you did this." He stretches his neck to the side, bringing the faint marks across his throat to attention. 

"You started it." She managed to mutter. "You just came in...and kissed me." 

"Wonderful." He smiles sarcastically. "I didn't break you." 

"You almost did." She murmurs, her eyes losing focus. She started to stare at one spot on the floor, presumably thinking about what had happened not a couple minutes ago. 

Weirdly enough, a soft smile laced her lips. 

"Oh, it's seven already." He smiles at her, the pink and orange streaked sky reflecting across his chiseled face. "We should get ready." He nods. 

"Or maybe..." She trails off. He'd gotten up, but she'd sat down where he'd just been, tugging him to sit down with her. "Maybe we can spend some time together before I have to face that stupid aunt of mine." 

He smiles and shakes his head, plopping down next to her. "What did she even do to you ?"

"I'll save that for talking about at the party." She winks. "It's always good to have a conversation starter handy." 

"You're insane." He mumbles, leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek. 

It was soft and predictable, but something about him being feather soft with her made her cheeks burn an inordinate amount. "On second thought, we should get dressed." 

"We ?" He laughs when she stands up. "Like together ?"

"No !" She insists, punching his shoulder. "Forget getting dressed, I have to find a way to cover this first." She mumbles, looking at her neck with the small mirror hung up on the wall. "Idiot." She mumbles when he walks by her and uses that as an excuse to run a finger along her waist. 

"Hey, I've got a couple too." He smiles, misunderstanding her statement and pointing at baby pink imprints on his skin. 

She glares and jabs at the light purple ones on her neck. "Shut it. You don't have the right to complain." 

"Your Majesty." He nods, grabbing his folded clothes off his dresser and walking by her once again. He presses a quick kiss on her shoulder, patting it and heading out. 

About fifteen minutes later, he stood in the living room, scrolling through his phone with his spare hand in his pocket to stop him from fidgeting. He hears the door unlock, and his head snaps to her. 

His eyes widen, his jaw undoubtedly hanging. His lips weren't parted comically, but he was short of breath, his limbs going numb all of the sudden. His phone hit the carpet with a dull thud as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, fiddling with an earring. Her lips were actively moving, but he couldn't hear anything. There was only one thing he could manage to say when his gaze remained fixed on her face.


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