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Y/n sat down on a stool to the right of Five. Five sat on her left, and Vanya sat on Five's left.

The waitress poured all three of them some coffee, finishing on Y/n's cup. She turned to walk away when Five stopped her. "Leave the pot here," Five said, smiling sweetly. Y/n and Vanya both turned to him and stared at him.

The waitress put the pot on the counter and huffed, walking away. "Limpy little shit," she muttered as Five picked up the pot and started pouring more coffee into his mug. Y/n shook her head, holding back a laugh as she took a sip of her own coffee.

"You two seem like you hate each other," Vanya mumbled, breaking the small silence that fell between the three of them.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Kind of."

Five shook his head, putting the coffee pot back down on the counter. "Doesn't that make our relationship toxic?"

"Fuck me if I'm wrong but, last time I checked, there was no actual 'relationship' between us."

"Then I guess you're wrong," Five deadpanned, taking a sip of coffee.

Y/n coughed and shook her head, trying to ignore what he had just said. "Look, all I'm saying," she looked at Vanya, "is that we get mad at each other a lot. You might want to get used to it."

Vanya furrowed her brows, "I thought we were all siblings. You guys can't date. That's illegal."

"Well, technically, we aren't related. Plus, now me and Five here are less related than we were beforehand."

Five glanced at her and raised an eyebrow. She quickly took a drink of coffee, trying to cover her slight slip up. "Plus, we aren't even together," she added.

Vanya turned to Five, "Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on? Including this whole thing." She gestured to the two of them.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "There's nothing to talk about with this whole thing," she said, gesturing between her and Five.

Five scoffed and turned to Vanya. He sighed. "When you were a baby, you were bought by an eccentric billionaire. He raised you and a lead academy with seven other siblings with extraordinary powers. But, in the year twenty-nineteen in order to avoid the apocalypse we jumped into a vortex and ended up being scattered across the timeline in Dallas, Texas," he explained.

"Luther, our brother, about a year ago. Diego, another brother, around seventy-five to seventy-seven days ago. Allison, our other sister, about three or so years ago. Klaus and Ben, they never travel anywhere without each other, we have no idea. Haven't ran into either of them yet. And unless you're with Klaus, you can't talk to Ben. He's dead and he's always with Klaus," Y/n explained. She paused, "Five here, within the past day or so. You, whenever you got here. And me, ten years ago."

Five raised an eyebrow, glancing sideways at her. "You've ran into Allison?"

She shook her head, "No. Elliot told us about it remember?" She came up with the lie quickly, not wanting Five to know that earlier she had ran into Allison. That and that she was going to go to a sit in protest later on. She knew that it wasn't going to end well and that if Five found out, he would go crazy.

"Any questions?" Five asked, turning to Vanya.

"What do you mean the apocalypse?" she asked.

"Armageddon," Y/n deadpanned.

"Armageddon?" Vanya questioned.

"I mean the end of the world as we know it," Five explained.

"But how?"

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now