Chapter 53 // "Real life."

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Chapter fifty-three; "Real life."

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My fucking head.

I had a sore throat too because of the cold air in the room. There were three thick blankets on top of me, alongside an oversized, worn out band t-shirt I was wearing. My clothes from yesterday were all on the floor.

Not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.

Dan was sleeping soundly next to him, fully cloth from top to bottom in his own pajamas. I don't think–

"Fuck," I covered my mouth and ran directly to the bathroom to throw up. I can't remember the last time I was this drunk– the puking was going on and on.

After I thought I was done, I curled up against the wall to rest. My head hurt so much– I'm not picking up an alcoholic drink ever again.

Okay, so I wasn't done. I kept throwing up until my stomach felt empty, staring blankly at the toilet water.

"..Um– do you want some bread? My dad made waffles today."

Jenny was standing in the middle of the doorway, clutching her toothbrush in hand.

"Oh my god.. Jenny I'm so sorry."

"No problem. I've seen worse at my birthday party," She laughed it off, "I just got scared when I saw you and Dan laying on the floor like that. I thought you two were dead."

"You saw that too? How embarrassing.." I groaned and fell back against the wall.

"Not really. Again, I've seen worse. When you're done here, my dad's just in the kitchen."

"Hey, Jenny– nothing else happened, right? Dan and I were passed out and that was it?"

"Well, I helped you get into one of my shirts. Sleeping in jeans are uncomfortable, aren't they? It was funny because you were yelling at me, telling me to get off because you had a boyfriend."

"Oh," I chuckled and looked at the shirt, "thank you for that. I think I'm gonna go ahead, skip brunch and get home."

"Need help getting up?"

"No, I-I got it–" I got up, but tumbled sideways, "I got it. I'm fine."

I walked to collect all my clothes. Dan was still asleep, so I took everything and slipped on my shoes to leave. Since I wanted to get out as fast as I could, I didn't have time to change. Also, I was frazzled. I couldn't remember, but I felt weird. Was it because I was sleeping next to Dan?

Riley Hayward on the walk of shame. What are you doing in Brooklyn, baby? Who are you sleeping with now?

I showered when I got home, ate some toast for the alcohol absorption, and finished four water bottles for my dehydrated body.

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