Chapter 12 // "In the evil and in the dark."

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Chapter twelve; "In the evil and in the dark."

" ・・✿・・

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"Yeah, I used to be so bad at football. I knew it wasn't my sport the moment I accidentally aimed for my dad's pelvis."

Hayden and I laughed at the childhood stories we were all telling. After successfully making rosé pasta and stir fry vegetables, the three of us sat down at the dinner table.

"Hey Riley, remember you were playing field hockey and chucked the ball at Joe Carver's face?" Hayden remember one of my first sports game, "and you threw a fit after?"

"Please don't," I didn't want to think about my elementary school crush.

"Hey, remember when you played... wait, you never played a sport," I jokingly trailed off to silence. Hayden always hated activities that needed more energy than walking.

"Shut the hell up," she kicked foot under the table as Nate was laughing at our bickering.

"It's cool to see siblings get along so well. I wish I had a brother or a sister too."

"An only child would be a dream," I joked which resulted in Hayden kicking my shin this time, "ow– what about any close cousins?"

"My cousin, Tripp," Nate finished the rest of his pasta, "but we don't get to see each other all the time."

"Less money to spend and time to waste," Hayden tried to comfort the boy, "don't worry. Hang out around here enough, we'll become a family."

Nate and I both laughed at her suggestion before getting up to clean.

"I'm washing the dishes this time!" I quickly ran for the sink, "there's no way in hell you're going to make a mess again."

"Come on, let loose," Nate smiled while waiting for the wet plates, "it's not everyday you get to be cleansed in fake holy water by an Archibald."

"I wouldn't want to," we continued to finish the last of the dirty plates and sat down in the living room.

Hayden said her good nights since she had another magazine shoot in the morning. Instead of sitting on different couches, Nate wanted to share one. I shifted uncomfortably as his mind was drifting off into space.

He heavily sighed before talking, "I hate Ivy Week. So much."

I leaned against the head of the couch, "and why is that? I thought you'd love it like Blair and everyone else."

"I would love it if I even wanted to go to an Ivy. My dad is really set on Dartmouth," his body shifted down– his legs were now on top of my lap and his head was on the arm rest of the couch.

"I don't even know shit about the school or the representative I'm chaffering. Humphrey even gave me advice!"

"Wow," I couldn't believe that Dan voluntarily talked to Nate. There was a big tension and evil exchanged glares when they come over last time

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