Chapter 41 // "Her name is Mika."

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Chapter forty-one; "Her name is Mika."

" ・・✿・・

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"Hey, are you planning to apply to any colleges over here?"

I asked Mika as we were getting ready to go to school. Although she was going to get picked up by Dan soon, we found some time to talk. Today, Constance and St. Jude's were going on college visits to get a look at the campuses over the weekend. They were only the ones that most of the seniors applied to, which would be all the Ivy League ones.

"I guess if I were to stay, I'd pick Julliard. Other than that one, nothing else really catches my eyes. You applied to that one over at Philadelphia right?"

"Yeah, I'm just nervous. I hope they accept my application," I tried not to think about their five percent acceptance rate. It dropped even lower the last time I checked. Blair did say she "secured" my spot, but how do I know she wasn't lying?

"So what about? Are you going back to California?"

"Probably. I hate being with my family and all, but I'd just feel better over there. I don't know. I might just apply out of state."

"It's nice to keep your options open," I smiled and helped her fix her tie, "it's just going to be a little weird that we won't be with each other. I mean, we tried a life without us. Didn't really work out."

"'Cause we're best friends," Mika laughed while putting on her backpack, "who knows? We might even end up as college room mates."

"That'd be cool," I smiled as we both headed out the door and going our separate ways. Mika had never mentioned what colleges she wanted to go to or even what future she wanted. When we were younger, she said she wanted to move over to France and open up her own violin lessons there. However, now that our decisions are coming closer, she hasn't brought anything up. I was sort of getting worried.

It's easy for people like us, who had been born with everything in our hands, to stray afar from our own future. Since we had money to fall back on, family businesses, we think we don't have to worry about ourselves. Which is insane because you can't rely on your family's money forever. But some people think they can. I hope Mika isn't one of them.

I knew that I wanted to get back into music somehow. I kinda had to if I was applying for a music institution. I also wanted to open my own piano school and teach children, but to travel with an orchestra as well. There was always time to do both.

Then again, I really liked writing and reading. Maybe I'd open up my own blog post– it won't make much, but it'd make me happy. Maybe it could even be a food blog since I loved traveling and cooking so much.

Well, the second option can come after I graduate college. I knew what I liked and what I wanted to do, surprisingly. We'll just have to see what the future holds.

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