Chapter 19 // "A classic victim mentality."

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Chapter nineteen; "A classic victim mentality."

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"Her sister won't tell me anything more than she's okay," Serena plopped onto the couch with a depressed look.

Dan, Nate, and her were constantly worrying about Riley's state of mind. The girl was perfectly fine– with exception of her and Nate's argument– until she started to be M.I.A for weeks now.

Currently the three were sitting in Serena's loft looking through Gossip Girl and the news to find out more about Riley.

"Maybe she just got tired of us, you know?" Dan shrugged, "she suddenly left home and now she's moving locations."

"Yeah? Well she left because of her stupid ex-boyfriend," Nate rolled his eyes at Humphrey.

He was already having a difficult time with his mother and father, everyone was annoying him and being trouble– he didn't know how much he needed Riley.

"Why would she leave? Her life was fine with us."

"I don't know," Serena picked up her phone to call someone once more, " when people leave there's someone that has information on them. The last outside who saw her was Gossip Girl, who only said she was missing."

"I'm sure it's something about Kai. Who else would she have a problem with?" Nate leaned back into the chair to rest his shoulders, "there's nothing on him either. He doesn't have any record of existence online."

Dan scrunched up his face and his leg started bouncing up and down, "maybe there's another person– I'm not entirely sure though, she didn't tell me much."

"Why the hell didn't you say anything earlier?"

"Because it didn't seem important."

"Every lead is important!"

"Okay, Dan– please tell us what you know," Serena ended the minor argument between the boys.

"Remember when Chuck was harassing Riley? She told me that it was because he knew about her past and what she did, but something tells me that it wasn't about protecting you guys, "Humphrey shrugged his shoulders, "it seems like he knows more about her than we do. Way more– and Riley mentioned that she used to be a really bad person back home, so.."

"It's usually not like Chuck to be so aggressive," Nate started, but Dan scoffed.

"I mean– to most people. And what I noticed after what you said, Chuck would never tell me why he had such a grudge on her. He would just reassure me that she wouldn't get hurt badly."

"It sounds like he knows all about her," Serena concluded, "knew her back then. Nate, didn't you and Chuck take that boys trip to the coast last year? Spring break?"

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