Chapter 46// "You fucking whore."

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Chapter forty-six; "You fucking whore."


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Winter in New York.. A Gossip Girl checklist to surviving the cold– cashmere stole for ice-skating at Wollman Rink... Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window shopping the holiday displays... and the perfect date to the senior snowflake charity ball.

"Are you going to the ball?" I asked Dan as we walked together down the hallway, "Hayden told me to make my best impression. All the high society schools are attending, it's gonna be in their yearbooks."

"Actually, I am," Dan laughed at my jaw dropping, "all my best memories have happened at these parties and I think it'd just be fit for senior year."

"The greatest four years of our lives, right?" I sarcastically say while rolling my eyes, "riding solo?"

"I don't have anyone in particular in mind, no. Unless Nate's willing to give you up as a date since he can easily find someone–"

"Yeah right," I pushed him to the side a little, accidentally making him bump into Serena.

"Oh! I'm sorry," Serena apologized and laughed, "Dan, look what I found. It was at the old bookstore you told me about." She handed him a flimsy piece of paper, alongside a torn back book.

Nate came to my rescue of being a third wheel and I saw myself out from the conversation. I didn't want to talk anymore about literature or hear about Serena's new boyfriend. From what Dan told me, he isn't good news. Were they ever?

"So have you been planning what set of earrings you'll be wearing at the ball? Or the hair piece that's going to match my hanker chief?" He asked while taking a seat at one of the lunch tables outside, "did you rent out the necklace yet?"

"I haven't even thought which dress I'm gonna wear," I widened my eyes, "is this that big of a deal?"

"Blair usually makes it out to be. But, I realized she wasn't over reacting," Nate placed his elbow on table to rest his chin, "it's a ball– hundred of kids will be flooding in from around town. There's going to be press and the most popular news outlet, gossip girl."


"Something bad always happens at the senior snowflake ball. Last year, Mike Krilberg threw up all over Kayla Watson's dress because he was drinking all night, which had him kicked out of his future college. The year before that, Toni Hoffman was caught sleeping with one of vice principals in the back of the building–"

"I think I'm getting the point?"

"And this also means our first dance as as a couple," he grabbed my hands to hold, "I don't wanna scare you, but if you haven't checked gossip girl recently, we're everywhere on the page. That means we'll be the most anticipated guests."

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