Chapter 33 // "Not a little bit, not a lot, not at all."

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Chapter thirty-three; "Not a little bit, not a lot, not at all."

" ・・✿・・

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From a very young age, Mika always knew what she liked and disliked.

She liked her dad because he was kinder than her mom. He'd read her bedtime stories before going to bed, sing songs while she played violin, and cooked dinner every night.

She didn't like her mother. Not only was she strict, but she'd pressure her daughter into success so much that by the age of 10-years-old, Mika was diagnosed with general anxiety and prescribed medicine. That made her mother even more strict– she wasn't allowed to extracurriculars because she feared that Mika would get overwhelmed. She stayed inside all day practicing or watching cartoons alone.

Mika didn't have any siblings because her mom was also scared that they'd have some sort of mental illness like their older sister. Her mom would spare someone that trouble and keep it at one. Which made Mika feel more outcasted; she thought her anxiety was some sort of monster inside that drove people away. At least that's how her mom made it seem.

Her dad comforted her on it, saying that it's not common for kids but older people do have it. He would say that it wasn't anything to be ashamed of, but Mika didn't believe him.

As she grew up, she started to grow apart from her dad. He continued to treat her like a little girl– as she was in his eyes– and less of a woman. It was because her mom got into her head. Full control of how Mika thinks, does and says.

She thought she understood her mom more. She knew why she was so strict and it was only because of love. Then one day, when she met Riley and lost the competition, her mom went crazy. She was disappointed and disgusted that Mika allowed herself to lose. That's when she realized that her mother didn't love her at all; only the idea of the daughter she built in her head. And when that idea met reality, well, it hurt Mika. Physically and emotionally.

So she decided she didn't like either of her parents. They both didn't love her and they didn't get the privilege of being liked.

So what didn't she dislike?

Being isolated for so long made Mika a little anti-social. In addition to stressed, depressed, angry and traumatized; it was hard for her to make friends. Her "friends" would be her cousins. She'd play with them when they'd come over and they used to be close. Then something happened between everyone– Mika wasn't allowed around them anymore.

She liked Riley. They met in elementary school after she was diagnosed with anxiety, but Riley was always a gentle and sensitive girl. She made Mika feel safe.

There were times when Mika thought she hated her though.. More than dislike. The first time was when she lost the competition to her, then when she was dating Kai, left to New York and made new friends. Those were the only times that she thought she hated her.

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