Chapter 60// "We just need us."

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Chapter sixty; "We just need us."

" ・・✿・・

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Our long and fun adventure started in high school where I met all of you, making the most of your life worth it. Don't pretend that I didn't– I brought lots of light into your dull world. Lots of dark too, but let's not focus on that.

I stared at Nate as he looking towards the waters. We took up that trip to Europe we always wanted and it couldn't be more perfect.

"You're doing that thing again," Nate caught me staring and smiled, "what are you thinking?"

"How you're so perfect and I'm so happy I get to be with you."

He chuckled, "you're always reminding me."

"And I'll always mean it."

Years passed, but never made me love Nate any less.

We both attended each other's graduation ceremony, celebrating this other milestone together. Staying in that apartment was only for college so we ended buying a bigger one in Manhattan. Then a house in the Hamptons and a house in Long Beach.

I was by his side on his journey to become the owner and head publisher of the New York Spectator. Seeing Nate understand his future and accomplishing it on his own– I was proud of him.

A princess trapped in a dungeon who somehow made it into the city. A little "Enchanted" if you ask me.

Me? I attempted to stay in Curtis Institution, but after the whole ordeal with my mother.. well I didn't really like playing piano anyways.

Which wasn't much of a choice considering I was heir to what was left of Hayward Company– now transformed and turned into something completely new.

It wasn't important to talk about. I was taking the whole month off to be with my boyfriend. I was going to take advantage of every second.

"I heard from one of the other tourists that there's a dance floor in this one restaurant. We should go and watch some people dance! Or join in ourselves," I smiled and held onto his hand as we stepped off the boat.

"Actually I made plans for us. There's this cute locally owned restaurant I saw yesterday on our tour. I thought we could drop by. I know you'd like it."

"Aw– of course! If that's what you want to do. But before we leave we're definitely dancing."

"Shit," he joked and ruffled the top of my hair.

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