Chapter 26

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This is chapter 26 of 'Right here, right now'. Hope you enjoy it! 

Question: Does anyone know how the rankings in Wattpad work? 

Hugs and kisses! 

Ricky's POV

Fourth period was dreading. It's the only class today I have no one with me, I'm all alone in that class, no one to secretly pass notes to, no one to joke with, no one to annoy. In other words, it's a awful class. I'm so happy once I hear the bell ring.

Lunch, how I longed for lunch. My stomach could really use some food.

When I arrive at the cafetaria, I see most of my friends already sitting at our usual table. Our table is its usual crazy self, the conversations don't make any sense.

We are this quirky group of people and I wouldn't have it any other way. We are flawed all in our own way, but we're all able to be ourself no matter what. That's what I love so much about this group. I feel safe with them.

Before my dramacareer, if you can call it that, I only had Neens and Big Red. It's always been the three of us since kindergarden. Not that they weren't enough, but it feels good to have more than 2 friends. I always had trouble making new friends, that's why I always stuck to Nini and Red, they have been there for me since we were 5 years old. I remember the moment Nini came home, telling me she made another friend, Kourtney. I remember how scared I was to lose her. But soon after Kourtney and I became friends, so the fear disappeared pretty quickly.

I know if it wasn't for Nini, I wouldn't have all of them. I'm forever grateful for that, she made me open up to more people, when she knows I have a hard time doing that. Nini truly makes me a better person.

I take another look at the table with all my friends, laughing all together and a big smile appears on my face. I'm lucky to have them.

I sit myself next to Ashlyn, who immediately lets me take part in the conversation.

Halfway the conversation, I notice Nini still isn't at lunch. An instant wave of worry hits me.

Nini's POV

Ever since second period, I've had this urge to talk someone. I knew I couldn't talk to Ricky, because it's partly about him.

So I went to the person who came to my mind. I hesitantly make my way over to the other side of the school and knock on the door. It doesn't take long before the door opens.

"Is it possible that we talk for a little?", I say softly, looking the person in the eyes. After a short nod from that person, I enter the room and the door is closed behind me.

I take a deep breath and start my story. 

Right here, Right now ~ RINIWhere stories live. Discover now