Chapter 4

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I hope you enjoy chapter 4 of 'Right here, right now'

Hugs and kisses!

Ricky's POV

After plundering all the cabinets in Nini's kitchen and taking all the snacks we could find upstairs, we start the discussion on which movie we're going to watch. We sit next to each other on Nini's bed, surrounded by chips, pretzels, soda, chocolat, M&M's, gummy worms, chocolate chip cookies and much more.

"Are you up for a horrormovie tonight?", I ask her. She looks at me. "What do you think?", she replies. "I don't hear a no", I say in a joking tone.

"Ricky, we've been doing this movie nights for almost 10 years and you ask me if we can watch a horror movie every time and I never say yes. Why do you keep trying?", she says.

She's right, I've been trying so hard to watch a horror movie with her. I don't know, the thought of her being scared and cuddling closer to me and hiding her face in my chest is not something I would mind. And of course, I love horror movies.

"I don't know, I thought I could give it another try", I joke.

"Okay", she says suddenly.

"Okay what?", I ask confused.

"Okay, we'll watch a horror movie tonight. But this is a one time thing.", she says.

"You serious?", I ask surprised.

"Don't make me doubt my decision, Ricky. Go ahead and set up a horror movie, before I change my mind.", she says.

I quickly take the laptop and search for some horror movie that we could watch together. Since it's her first time watching one, I decided not to go too extreme.

While I'm doing that, Nini is already making herself comfortable against me.

"You're already cuddling? The movie hasn't even started yet.", I chuckle.

"You're making me watch a horror movie, you don't have to right to complain tonight.", she says smirking.

"Oh, I'm not complaining", I laugh.

When the movie is set up, I also get myself comfortable. I wrap my arms around Nini and pull her a little closer.

As I expected she was hiding in my chest after 15 minutes of watching the movie, she was already hiding in my chest. She's so adorable.

"You okay?", I ask. "We can watch another movie if you're too scared."

"No, because then you will ask to watch a horror movie next week. Lets just get it over with.", she says. I chuckle.

I turn my attention back to the movie. I feel Nini shiver next to me, so I pull her closer, if that's even possible.

When the movie is finally over, I look at Nini to see she's already asleep. I don't know how she fell asleep in between all those screams, but maybe it's better she did.

I put away the laptop and pull the covers over the both of us. I gently stroke Nini's hair, while she's sleeping and put the strands that are in her face behind her ear. I give her a gentle kiss on her forehead. A little smile appears on her face. She looks so peaceful.

With that thought I close my eyes and eventually I fall asleep.

Nini's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night, sweating and all out of breath. When I feel some arms holding me tight, I start to panic. I struggle to get out of the hold of that arm, so I start to kick and push, until I'm finally free. I jump out of bed and back off, until I feel myself against the wall. I slide down and try to control my breathing.

Ricky sits up on my bed, confused. Of course he's awake. It would be concerning if he didn't wake up when I kicked, slapped and pushed him just a few seconds ago.

"Nini?", I hear him say with his sleepy voice, while I'm still hyperventilating. He slowly makes his way over to me and crouches in front of me. I look at him, probably with a scared look in my eyes, because he takes my hand and squeezes it, something we do when we want to reassure the other.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just me. You're safe, I'm here.", he whispers. His reassuring words don't work. He takes my hand and puts it on his chest. "Follow my breathing."

It takes a while before I'm completely calm, but once I am, Ricky pulls me close, my head on his heart and strokes my hair, just like I like it.

I'm exhausted, but don't want to sleep again.

It's just like every other night, those nightmares keep coming back. They are mostly flashbacks to what happened the previous months or some where Ricky turns against me and starts bullying me too, even some where he leaves me.

This is my first panic attack in front of Ricky since opening night. Now I will have to explain to him that I haven't been doing as well as I make out to be.

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