Chapter 8

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Hello everyone,

I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless

Hugs and kisses!

Ricky's POV

It always scares me whenever Nini goes through a panic attack. Seeing her struggling to breath is terrifying. It sometimes even feels like I can't breath either. I feel so helpless at that moment.

Despite the fact I told her not to apologize for things like this, she keeps apologizing quietly in my chest when I sit next to her, gently stroking her hair, while her head is resting on my chest.

After a while I sit up and my movement makes her sit up as well and she looks up to me.

"Let's go home, Neens", I say quietly. I stand up and hold my hand out for her to take. She gladly accepts it and I pull her up, not letting go of her hand.

We walk home together in silence.

"You probably think I'm crazy", I hear Nini suddenly say, on our way home. I look confused at her. "Just admit it, I'm starting to think it myself."

"What on earth makes you think that?", I ask. I'm so confused right now.

"Did you see me a few minutes ago? I was balling my eyes out for something I think I saw. I don't even know for sure. At this point, I think it is all in my head. I really am going crazy", she explains.

"Neens, this doesn't make you crazy. With all you've been through, this-", I start to contradict her.

"But that was more than a month ago, why doesn't it just stop? I wanna forget about it so badly. Why doesn't life give me a break?", she start again, on the edge of crying. I can see she tries her hardest to keep it all in.

I see we're almost at my house, so I start to walk faster, dragging her along, as I'm still holding her hand.

"Ricky, please. I just want to go home.", she begs me, while I'm still pulling her towards my house. I stay silent, scared that I'm going to get mad.

She keeps begging me to let her go, but I'm not giving in. We are going to have a talk we should have had weeks ago. 

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