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Elizabeth and George had been talking way more often and more way openly, both of them working to rekindle their friendship first before anything else; and they had to keep reminding themselves of that. However George threw caution to the wind and asked Elizabeth to go out for dinner, 'Like a date, a real one this time.' She appreciated that inside joke to way back when Matty forced them to go on a fake date and agreed, putting full trust in him to find a nice romantic place in Dubai.

However those plans were cancelled when Matty almost got them killed in Dubai after, in his true political spirit, kissed another male (in a country where that is illegal) and caused a major uproar. Sure his heart was in the right place, just wanting to spread the message that love is love more than anything else in the world. However it put his life, and everyboy else on the tours, at risk; and tensions were high after the show. 
They had to quickly flee, Jamie and the tour manager, Wendy, working tirelessly to get all the flights changed to a day earlier so they could leave ASAP. 

"There go our plans for a romantic date." George said sadly while they were sat next to each other in the airport.
She shook her head, grinning at him. "In ways this is more fitting for us than any romantic date in Dubai ever could've been."
He nodded, agreeing that it fit the pair of them as a couple, "Besides I've always wanted to go to Japan, you know that." 

George hummed in agreement, he did know that. She had a bit of an obsession with all the lights, the chaos, the hustle and the bustle of such a crowded yet small place.
"And Japan shows are aways absolutely insane, so you have that to look forward to too." 
She smiled, placing her head on his shoulder and shutting her eyes in an attempt to get some sleep after the panic of their last few hours.

The show had been insane, George didn't lie about that part. At the start of signing onto their tour as a photographer she was unsure if she should stay for the festivals, and after the performance they'd just put on, she was very glad that she did. Although due the hype of the show, the energy the crowd had given them, and the heat of the country, Matty fainted during 'Sex' and had everyone at the side of the stage worrying. Elizabeth put her camera down which he then reprimanded her for as he thought it 'Would make cool content'.

Once they came off stage they spent a large amount of time cooling down in the greenroom. Usually there was a lot of excess adrenaline that had to be burnt off after a show, but everybody wanted to crash in front of a fan, immediately stripping down to their boxers which not everybody was best pleased about. Elizabeth still took the odd photo of everybody as after all, that was her job, but she spent most time conversing with George and Ross. 

"I didn't even notice Matty fainting." Ross laughed, looking at his friend now being checked over by medical professionals. "I was stood near this girl at the front of the stage taking photos of Adam, and she screamed bloody murder when he fell, I thought we were being attacked." Elizabeth laughed, still slightly shook up by her initial reaction. 

George chuckled, remembering the faces of concerned fans when he looked up from his drums. "Ever the over-dramatic one our Matthew." He teased his friend, who flipped him off from across the room.
"Makes for good content, shame Elizabeth didn't agree." He again jokingly scolded her for not capturing the moment.
She rolled her eyes, "Well I'm sorry for prioritising your health over an Instagram photo Matty, but I had my priorities right." 
With a smile and a nod of agreement the conversation died out, and George had started attempting to get her attention away from the camera she was engrossed in and instead on him.

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