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In the midst of the previous nights drama, George hadn't thought about checking his phone once. It was only when a loud knock on Elizabeths door followed by Matty shouting,
"Elizabeth, have you seen George?", did he notice that he'd disappeared in everybody else's eyes.
From the other side of the room at her position in front of the dressing table she looked to George, silently asking him what to do. Matty banged at the door again and she sighed, "Go in there, quickly." She gestured to the en-suite and shut the door behind him, running to the door. 

"Oh my God can you be anymore impatient, I was on the toilet." She lied with a laugh to cover any guilt on her face.
Matty looked at her, questioning when she was going to let him in, "Oh right, come in then." She stepped aside and allowed the man into the room, her eyes quickly scanning the floor to see if any evidence of George was left on display but nothing caught her attention. 

"I came here to ask if you'd seen George, his bed looked untouched so we're trying to figure out whose bed he slept in for the night." He looked at Elizabeth with no hint of suspicion in his eyes which calmed her down. 
Her head shook and she looked at him, "I don't know if I should be questioning why my room was chosen in the search for George or not. What are you insinuating here Matty?" She laughed, not directly answering his question but hoping he'd take 'no' as her answer.

Matty chuckled and rolled his eyes, "You never know, maybe the two of you wanted to get up to your old tricks again. God knows what that man is up to anymore." 
Elizabeth shook her head, "Nope, I've not seen George since I left karaoke last night." She grinned at him, hoping he'd accept her answer and leave soon.
Though he stayed put, eyebrows raised and looking at her like he was waiting for something. "What?" 

Matty leant down to the floor next to him, picking up the black Vans that were kicked across the ground. He gave her a knowing look, though she had a matching pair to the ones now in Mattys hands; these shoes were twice the size of hers and there was no way of getting out of that one. "So he's not here is he?" He said sarcastically, a smug smile creeping onto his face. 
Her hands flew to cover her face, partially in shame but mostly out of embarrassment. "Where are you hiding him? Not under the beds right, that'd be hilarious." 

Elizabeth shook her head and opened the en-suite door. "He found your shoes." She said in dismay, George letting out a groan as he knew they were either about to get teased relentlessly, or embarrassed to no end in front of everybody. 
"This isn't what it looks like by the way." George clarified, wanting to make it known immediately that it wasn't a horny hook-up; but instead the most meaningful conversation the pair of them had indulged in within the last ten years.

A scoff came from Matty's mouth as he stood in front of them both, "Then what was it?" 
"A conversation," Elizabeth started, not sure how to continue when Matty rasied his eyebrows in disbelief. "That ended with George spending the night, but we both kept our clothes on the entire time. We didn't even touch each other." 

"Virgins." Matty laughed, teasing them already.
The pair couldn't help but laugh at him, "It was an adult conversation, absolutely no meaningless sex."  George said in a way that made him sound guilty. 
"Okay well I believed Elizabeth, but you've made it sound like you fucked the whole night." Matty guffawed, causing Elizabeth to put her head in her hands.

She shook her head, "No seriously we just clarified some stuff, we probably spoke more in the last twelve hours than we had in the last ten years combined. We're on good terms again."
"Incredible terms by the looks of it." Matty commented, earning a smack on the arm from Elizabeth. "Anyway I was coming to ask George if he wanted to come for some photos before we leave, guess having you two together kills two birds with one stone because we'd be on our way to you next." 

Elizabeth nodded, moving to her suitcase to dig out the camera bag white Matty and George had a conversation she didn't listen into. "So just to clarify, you didn't shag but you're going to be shagging?" Matty teased and earned himself another punch in the arm from Elizabeth. "I just wanted to know if I was going to be needed ear plugs on the bus or anything."
"Oh fuck off Matty." She rolled her eyes and sighed, making a start for the door to escape the room and Mattys words along with it.

Upon opening the door she was greeted with Jamie, as well as various crew members, all busy trying to wrangle everyone together and prepare for the journey ahead.
Nobody batted an eyelid to Elizabeth walking out by herself, but the double takes and looks of disbelief when George followed suit were far too obvious for their liking. 
It was only a matter of time before the people who knew about their history, or only heard bits of it, would start putting two and two together and ending up with thirty-seven; so when Matty finally emerged from the room their thoughts visibily stopped whirring. 

Jamie walked over to them, "Ah that's where you've been hiding, Matthew. Are you all ready to leave?" He was clearly stressed, but he seemed as though he always was; especially as he was constantly running around after the walking stress inducer that is Matty Healy. 
He was met with a shrug from Matty, "I wanted Elizabeth to take some photos before we left but if we need to go now I guess they can wait." She held the camera around her neck and smiled at Jamie as he was mentally processing the request.

"Oh fuck it, I don't see why not." He gave in, "Just be back on the bus before one, we need to leave." They nodded at Jamie but Elizabeth wasn't as prepared as she thought. 
"Wait I have shit all over my room can someone help me pack it all so I can just chuck it on the bus and get going?" Matty grunted but George was keen to help out, "Thank you two." 

She ran back inside and immediately went to where she knew she'd kept some underwear, not wanting either of them to be touching that at fear of being teased; no matter who found it. Matty was no help the entire time, sat on the bed watching while George handed her things or vice versa. The only time he chimed in for conversation was when there was a condom on the floor that she denied belonged to her, "Seriously Matty why do you think I'd need to carry condoms?" 

"To avoid any unwanted children, obviously." He rolled his eyes and chucked it in the bin, believing it wasn't hers. George watched him throw it away and pretended he wanted it, "Uh uh, waste not want not."
He laughed, while Matty grimaced at him, "If you want a bin condom you can get it back out yourself mate, Christ you've got desperate. Even if you don't want to get back with him Elizabeth, can't you both revert to your old ways to get it all out of your systems." 

They both shook their heads at him and his constant-talking mouth as the suitcase was finally zipped up, thankful for the conversation to be ended. "Now let's go take photos of your ugly mugs." 
"The cheek of you." Matty scoffed, offended by her fake insult. 

"Oh shut up mate." 

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