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"Do you want to go in. I could ask the guards to step aside." Jamie said as Tyrion turned to him.

"I didn't know you hate me so much brother, that you want me to be cooked by a dragon. Father would be so proud to hear of my carcasses beneath the jaws of a dragon." He said as Jaime laughed.

"Tragic isn't it." Tyrion continues. "It's been twenty years and the dragons still breathes fire down there." He said.

"Whatever reason that made Uther keep them alive is still worthless to me, i still wonder why he hasn't had them killed, he could have wiped out their kind during the Great Purge. Having dragons breathing in the Dragonspit, could put this empire at risk." Jaime said folding his hands.

"Perhaps you are right, but remember Uther used magic to chain them down, so no one can free them, unless they have a powerful sorcery." Tyrion said.

"Magic" Jaime hissed. "The best option is to slaughter those creatures. Their presence is a treat." Jaime said distastefully as Tyrion chuckled

"Patience brother, let the King decides what he wants, it's his Kingdom after all." Tyrion reminds him as Jaime scoffs.

"But sometimes i imagine it was a sad joke at the end, the fall of House Targaryen and Velaryon, with how powerful Aerys and his sons Viserys and Daemon were, i still can't believe we overthrew them, especially even Corlys Velaryon." Tyrion said.

"The sea snake himself, that man was ambitious. Remember how enraged he became when his wife wasn't made heir to the iron throne." Jaime said.

"Ah, i remember, Princess Rheanys Targaryen, The Queen Who Never Was! what a title to bear, shame." Tyrion shrugs.

"A beautiful title." Jaime scoffs.

"Beautiful title Indeed, Corlys was a man with a sharp mind and guts, tragic his innocent family had to suffer with the Targaryens, all of them dead, and Dragonstone and Driftmark laid empty in ruins. Pity" Tyrion said shaking his head.

"Driftmark and Dragonstone aren't left in ruins. Though they may be empty, but the King has it fortified and guarded, so no one goes in." Jaime said.

"And by the way Uther will have your head if he hears you mentioning those names." Jaime cautioned his brother.

"Indeed, our brother in-law is the King, and you think he will have my head, nonsense. But in all sincerity what do you think unites people brother, Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories?" Tyrion asked Jamie as his brother regards him with a glare.

"Are you saying the Targaryen dynasty can't be forgotten." Jaime said.

"You know the answer, as far as King's Landing have dragons in captive, the name Targaryen will always be echoed in whispers amongst the people. Their tale will always be remembered." Tyrion states.

"And it's so sad that family is extinct,.....we both know the Targaryens didn't start this war." Tyrion said as Jaime drifts his gaze to his direction.

"What do you mean, pray tell?"

"You know exactly what I mean Jaime. The Targaryens meant no harm, they're innocent" Tyrion said.

"Cersei will have your waggling tongue for that." Jamie cautions him with a glare, before coming closer to Tyrion.

"Whatever Uther did, favoured our family. There's no turning back now" Jaime added as Tyrion snorted.

"If you say so but look Jaime, If all are blind to the truth, you shouldn't be. As far as we both know, the Targaryens didn't cause the death of Ygrain, it was a high priestess....." Tyrion said as Jaime cuts him off.

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