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THE NEXT DAY, the Bells of the Sept continued tolling non-stop, and in the chambers of the Grand Maester in the Red Keep, Kilgharrah, the Red Dread calls out Daenerys's name in her deep slumber.

"Daenerys...... Daenerys..." The dragon voice echoed in her ears, causing her to roll back and forth.

The bells tolled again and Daenerys wakes up in her newly bedchamber, she rose up and proceeds to open the window, causing a cool breeze to blows her face.

She smiles, admiring the Kingslanding and it's serenity. After that, she takes a proper bath, dresses up, styles her silver white hair and walks down the thresholds to the Maester's Study.

"Good morrow Uncle Gaius." She walks to his side to see what he's doing.

"What portion are you mixing?" Eagerly, Daenerys looks at the contents in Gaius's hands.

"It's a healing potions for pains..... and I got you water. You didn't wash last night." Gaius says arching a brow.

"Sorry, I was tired." Daenerys apologies, poking her cheek and then she looks around the room. "Where's Merlin? I haven't seen him this morning."

"He's gone to work, help yourself to breakfast. Health is wealth, you must eat to survive Kings Landing." Gaius gestured her to take a sit.

Daenerys sits down to see watery porridge, disgusted, she swallowed hard, scooping up porridge with a little bit of irritation as it poured down like water fall.

"How many sons do you have Uncle Gaius?" She began, pushing the porridge forward.

"Four sons!" He replies.

"One of them serve in the King's guard and the other two are in the Eyrie married with children. Merlin serves as a squire for the Prince." Gaius explained.

"You must be a proud Grandsire sire" Daenerys said, but he doesn't reply, the porridge set before her isn't helping either but making her stomach rumble with disgust.

Noticing her loss of concentration, Maester Gaius stood and walks to her side, intentionally knocks a bucket of water off the table.

Daenerys stands up and stops it with magic at a blink of her orbs. Gaius gasps and they look at each other. Daenerys lets it the bucket drop and bang! The water splashed on the floor.

"Gods be good......How did you do that? Did you incant a spell in your mind?" Gaius questioned.

"I don't know any spells." Daenerys tells him.

"So what did you do? There must be something." Gaius presses her to speak.

"It just happens Uncle." Daenerys shrugs as she gets a mop to clean it up.

"Here." Gaius hands her a plate with a four sandwiches with grapes on it. Daenerys smiles and takes the plate, and then sits down to eat. He comes later to pour her a glass of milk to flush it down.

"Thank you." She said with a mouth full.

"You're welcome." Gaius chuckles lowly.

"Well, we better keep you out of trouble and since you're going to be my apprentice. You can start by helping me give these medicine to my patients. Here, take these." Gaius places a small sac and bottle on the table.

"Hollyhock and Feverfew for Lady Percival, and this is for Ser Olwin. He's as blind as a weevil, so warn him not to take it all at once." Gaius gives her instructions as she drinks her milk.

"Okaaaay" Daenerys gulps, nodding, trying to register the names in her brain and not forget.

"Eat quick! Off you go, deliver the medicines and come back, I have a lot to teach you." Be said as his niece ate up.

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