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"Berbay odothay" the high priestess continued to conjure her spell, speaking in ancient tongues, casting a magic spell.

In a rocky cave down beneath the castle of Driftmark, a water basin with magical water stood erect in the middle, a wave over the surface could reveal any mortal one wished to see, and so did the high priestess proceed to the pool with a magical creature ovulated in an egg which she created with the elements of earth and water.

"Berbay odothay arisan yeldo" Nimueh began in her ancient Valryian tongue as she places the magic egg, containing the afanc she sculpted.

Placing it into the water, her eyes glowed gold at the egg, and suddenly it sinks and travels through the underground waterways of Driftmark into the sea, with her powerful magic, it traveled under the reaf, across Dragonstone to BlackWaterBay and...

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Placing it into the water, her eyes glowed gold at the egg, and suddenly it sinks and travels through the underground waterways of Driftmark into the sea, with her powerful magic, it traveled under the reaf, across Dragonstone to BlackWaterBay and finally it emerges into a manmade cavern of the water fountain cave in Flea Bottom.

The high priestess watches King's Landing from her water basin. "Diegol cnytte, gewitte me yst, aliese hine, to King's Landing he cymþ." She smiles with an evil grin, as the venom around the oval began to spread, and suddenly the magical egg cracks open.

Nimueh, has lived for a centuries. She may have a young beautiful face but a sorceress is immortal. After the conquest when Aegon Targaryen began rulling Westeros, the High priestess of the Old Religion served him, Areys I Targaryen, Maegor Targaryen, Jaehaerys Targaryen and other kings who followed behind the succession line of the iron throne.

Nimueh's position in the Small Council was the 'Mistress Of Magic. But during the Sacking of King's Landing, she fled and the moment Uther Pendragon sat the iron throne, waging war and slaughtering her family and friends, Nimueh vows to kill Uther and bring House Pendragon to it's knees.

AT KINGS LANDING, dawn, the birds were tweeting. Daenerys was awake, she had gotten use to her routine as a Court Physician.

At daybreak she was dressed, ate breakfast with Gaius and Merlin, resumed at the Citadel to study, then after she joins the Grand Maester at the royal infirmary to treat people or perform surgeries, and then she proceeds to deliver potions to other neighbouring people and some nobles as instructed by the Grand Maester.

Not to mention Arthur who overworks Merlin, the Prince summons Daenerys whenever he needed her, so the two didn't have much of a conflict or whatsoever.

That morning Gaius had send word that he won't be present at the council meeting, so Daenerys accompanied the Grand Maester as he had been summoned on urgency to the Streets of Flour, a man had been found in the middle of the streets, face down on the ground dead.

The scent of hot bread drifting from the shops along the Street of Flour was sweeter than any perfume Daenerys had ever smelled.

She took a deep breath as they stepped closer to the lower town, down below the Streets of Flour was a maze of twisting alleys and cross streets, everyone went about their business but the atmosphere smelt sweetly.

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