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"Well, well, well, Look what I found. Come here Lady Daenerys." Arthur's tone was authoritative for Daenerys to ignore, her heart was racing as she stood in front of her door.

Worry crept into her mind as fear flashed in both of her orbs, she couldn't help but feel her heart sinking. She bit her lips in anxiety, fidgeting, while Gaius continue to watch as the guards search his chamber.

"Lady Daenerys!" Arthur called again and quickly she took one deep breath, summons courage and opens the door, the Prince shot his eyes at her when she stepped in, quietly she closed it behind her. Daenerys found him leaning against the window, he was staring at her without hesitation and she swallowed.

Things began to crowd her mind. Did he find the book? She thought, feeling unease.

"You called me Your Highness?"

"Obviously." He replied.

"Your room looks tidy." Arthur said, darting his eyes left and right, ironically stating her room was a completely scattered and plain. Her room was a mess, total mess, clothes everywhere, parchments scattered on the table with spills of ink.

Daenerys doesn't say a word, her eyes darts to spot the brown book on the floor, sticking out beneath her bed, next to the floor board that had been pulled up.

"Fuck" she whispered.

"What?" Arthur spans around to look at her, she shakes her head.

"Nothing Sire?" She replied, clearing her throat.

The Prince looks at her with disapproval and begins his search. Arthur checked the wardrobe, carefully rummaging through her things not to touch any underclothing.

"You don't possibly think I'd hide anything in my room relating to sorcery?" She asked.

"Anyone could be a suspect of enchantments i would venture." Arthur replied as he made his way to her bedside, noticing something rather unusual, sticking out, but before he could reach, Daenerys eyes glowed gold, and vase on the window fell in a crash.

Arthur turns to see the pieces scattered on the floor and the flower naked, whist Daenerys magically moves the book back into the floorboard and locks it, covering it with a pile of cloths that fell from her bed.

She reaches to the bed and began picking up the cloth, one at a time, trying not to make Arthur suspect anything. Yet still the Prince joins her to lift the pile of clothes with his finger tips, looking beneath them.

Afterwards he rose up and begins to rummage through the books on the shelves, checking out her choice of books and interests. "You know there's a place where you can put your things Lady Daenerys. It's called a cupboard." Arthur scoffs closing the book, standing up on his feet, made his way across the room.

"I'm aware Your Highness, it's just that I've being busy tidying up after Maester Gaius, finding the cure is as important as finding the sorcerer." Daenerys retorted, before moving to the window, scrouching down to pick up the broken pieces when two gold cloaks bursts in without notice.

"We've ransacked everywhere Your Highness, except this room." One of them said, Daenerys paused.

"Might we search here?" The second guard asked, waiting to hear his reply, but Arthur was looking around, from Daenerys glance, she caught Arthur out of the corner of her eyes, staring at her back.

The Prince eyes the white haired girl. "No, there's nothing here, roundup the men we leave at once." He commands, shaking his head with irritation and walks out of the room, one guard follows him and the other closed the door behind, leaving Daenerys alone.

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