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Alicent grunt softly gritting her teeth whilst the Grand Maester cleans the surface of the wound. it appears the shattered glass cut her sharply, causing her to bleed.

Alicent knew she'd be scarred down there and he hated the feeling. It'll definitely serve as a reminder how she attempted to poison her enemy.

She look the liberty to look over at Daenerys silently, Daenerys just stared back at her not uttering a word.

The silence is the atmosphere was quite disturbing.

"Thank you Maester Gaius." Alicent said gratefully, The Grand Maester only smiles back as he continues to apply clean the surface of the wound.

He then goes on to apply ointment and healing balm to prevent any form of contagious disease, while Merlin and Guinevere mopped the floor with a mop stick, thankfully they didn't use rags, else who knows what would have happened.

"How are you feeling Lady Daenerys." Alicent instigated a conversation, avoiding the awkward silence.

"I'm getting better, thank you"

After a long pause Alicent began. "It's good to have you back. I feared for your recovery, it did take a toll on everyone. But the Seven gods are generous."

She said remarkably hiding the guilt in her voice. She wish the gods had taken her life. At least her mind will be at rest and Margaery will be the next target.

The gods are indeed faithful." She appraised again, Daenerys nods.

"Indeed they are faithful to spare a life." Gaius said cheerfully, as he started wrapping Alicent's left ankle with a white bandage,

"I hope you can forgive me Maester, I messed up your carpet floors. I only brought milk of the poppy, thinking you might need for your niece. Must be hard sending Guinevere to the Royal Kitchen, if you understand what I mean" Alicent apologies looking in-between Merlin and Guinevere while they cleaned the floors.

Daenerys scoffs silently. "Indeed, how very thoughtful of you." She muttered to herself.

"You did well My Lady. There's no need to apologize." Gaius reassures her.

Alicent just smiles lightly. She and Daenerys cuts glances with each other. Alicent tightened her grip on the chair, she hoped none of them finds out the milk was poisoned.

Dare she say she took things too far. Maybe Arthur and Daenerys are just mere friends with no strings attached. Maybe she's overthinking things and attacking the wrong person. Alicent thought to herself.

"You seem tired......Have you been thinking too much?" Gaius looks at her face.

Alicent blinks. "No.... I'm just stressed that's all." She lied.

"Is the cut very deep?" She asked wavering the subject.

"Slightly deep but, it'll take a week or two for it to heal." Gaius said, gently pinning the strip of cloth around her wrist with tiny strong needle, he adjusted it a little, avoiding any discomfort it would bring Alicent during it's healing process.

"Thank you." Alicent said as Gaius gently puts down her leg. Immediately she rose on her feet as did Gaius, suddenly she begins to feel a little pain and burning sensation.

Softly she grunts.

"The treatment is working, give it few hours, on morrow the itching will slowly stop, the wound will dry, but there might be a little scar there."

"Please wait here, I want to give you something for your ankle." Gaius informes, before going to his shelves to prescribe her some antidotes to take.

Finally, Guinevere and Merlin were done cleaning the carpets, moments later they exit the room and went to the Royal Kitchen to wash their hands and bring back some food as Gaius had instructed.

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