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Eleanora, stood as water gathered in her eyes, almost rushing down her cheeks, she couldn't believe her guardian was this ruthless, first he kills people with magic now he tells a court physician to drink poison. She looks to Uther's direction with utmost irritation.

Daenerys looked up from the goblet to see dozens of faces of courtiers and servants flooded with concerns, pity, fear, and worry

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Daenerys looked up from the goblet to see dozens of faces of courtiers and servants flooded with concerns, pity, fear, and worry.

"Your Grace...." Maester Gaius tries to plead with him but Otto interrupts him.

"The crown has already spoken Grand Maester, I employ you to stop." Otto gives him a challenging glare.

Gaius held his tongue. Otto smirks, Lord Strong frowns at the Hand's display.

"Father, Daenerys, apologise" Arthur said as he reached for the cup only for his hand to be caught by Daenerys, her eyes locked with his.

Uther and Cersei looked at them confused, what sort of display was this. Daenerys gently shook her head at Arthur, squeezed his hand and released it, giving him a soft smile.

"This is a mistake. I'll drink it. It's my cup." Arthur offered but Daenerys pulls the cup away. "No, no, no, no, no. It's, it's alright Sire, I'll drink it "

"No, allow me." Arthur tries to argue but his snapped sharply. "Move away from her Arthur." Cersei commands.

"She is telling the truth mother." Arthur tries to defend Daenerys, but the Queen declines.

"Then let her prove her innocence. Step aside." Cersei firmly said as Arthur pokes his cheek, angrily taking two steps away from the court physician.

Swallowing hard, Daenerys raise the goblet with a faint smile, she toasts to Bayard and to the King, Morgana looks at her father, hoping he'd stop her, but Uther just fixated his gaze on the court physician with anger visibly raging in his eyes.

"Father please don't do this." She begs but Uther shuns her.

"Be quiet Morgana!"

"You can have the wine tasters investigate this matter, father please don't make such rash decision." Morgana goes to hold her father's arm but Uther regards her disapprovingly.

"One more word, and I'll have you confined to your chamber till further notice." Uther sharply warns her, before returning his gaze to the court physician.

Morgana swallows hard, slowly but gently, she let go of her father's arm. Exhaling, she takes two two steps away from him, trying to control her anger.

Ser Criston sees this and lowers his head, trying to avoid the Princess gaze of emotions. Cersei sees this display and isn't happy with Uther's actions either.

"One day you will listen to what I have to say... Father" Morgana mutters to her thoughts.

The Seven Gods knows she hates this man she calls father, sometimes she wishes to call him out on his bullshit but that chance never comes.

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