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In the land of dragons and myths and the time of magic, the destiny of the iron throne and seven great kingdoms rests on the shoulders of a young girl. Her name is....................Daenerys Targaryen.

ACCORDING TO LEGEND, Aegon Targaryen, otherwise known as Aegon The Conqueror, first of his name united Westeros under his rule, seven kingdoms enjoyed independence for thousands of years.

The Kingdom of the North, the Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, the Kingdom of the Isles and the Rivers, the Kingdom of the Rock, the Kingdom of the Stormlands, the Kingdom of the Reach, the Principality of Dorne and the Kingdom of Logres (Camelot).

And within those kingdoms, there were more kingdoms. The Reach, for instance, once comprised four kingdoms. Some refer to this period as the days of the Hundred Kingdoms.

Then, after Aegon's Conquest, Westeros was divided up into ten provinces that were each part of a greater realm: The North, the Vale of Arryn, the Iron Islands, the Riverlands, the Westerlands, the Stormlands, the Reach, the Crownlands, Dorne and Logres (Camelot)

Despite this, it became of style to refer to it as the Seven Kingdoms. The term endures, even if it is imprecise. However the tale of this story is remarkably epic.

Over two decades, Prince Viserys and his family now lived in one of the Nine Free cites, across the narrow sea, in Pentos, were no man or spies could find them, hoping to return one day and reclaim the iron throne and redeem themselves of the treason, theft, betrayal, rebellion and treachery.

House Targaryen and House Velaryon found refuge with an old friend of the family. Magister Illyrio; a wealthy man, a dealer in spices, gemstones, dragonbones, and other, less savory things.

He has friends in all of the Nine Free Cities, it was said, and even beyond, in Vaes Dothrak and the fabled lands beside the Jade Sea. It was also said that he'd never had a friend he wouldn't cheerfully sell for the right price but the Targaryens he held in high esteem.

Nonetheless, as fate will have it's way, a Targaryen journeyed back to the Westeros. No mortal, no matter how great, can know his or her destiny.

Just as this young girl, she cannot glimpse her part in this great story that is about to unfold, like everyone, she must live, listen and learn how to play the game of thrones.

And so it will soon be for the young witch arriving at the gates of King's Landing. A girl of eighteen, that will in time mother the legend and prophecies of Aegon's dreams.

She Isn't coming to King's Landing to be a trader or a servant. She's coming to King's Landing because destiny warrants it.

Three days ago, at dawn, Viserys and Aemma bid their daughter farewell at the docks of Pentos. Daenerys Targaryen sailed with some foreigner merchants heading to another port in the North; White Harbour.

Then, she walks through lonely road, hills, valleys, she then crosses thick bushes and paths to get to her destination.

Tired and stressed out from the three days journey, if giving up was the only reason for her to turn back, she wouldn't, one way or the other she must reach King's Landing.

Although her bones ached, her feet hurts, her ribs arched, the rhythm of her heart was irregular and most of all she was sweating profusely like a goat.

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