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Hi there, the CHAPTER 45 will be uploaded very soon.

In the meantime, the characters would like to express their thoughts and remarks off the scene.


ENJOY !!! 😉🐲🔥🩸

Prince Viserys Targaryen: Even though I do not rule Westeros, I love my homeland

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Prince Viserys Targaryen: Even though I do not rule Westeros, I love my homeland. However, this is a conference meeting like Comic-Con were the characters from Game of Thrones, House Of The Dragon and Merlin come together to discuss with the audience. Over to you Otto.

Ser Otto Hightower : Thank you. Prince Viserys. Dearest Westerosi Citizens. I welcome you all to this auspicious occasion. Some of you may dislike me but I must tell you anything I do is for the good of the realm. Although not every character will have the floor, only few of us will speak. And I'm sure you'd be willing to hear our voices.

Queen Cersei Lannister: Thank you for 9k reads. It means so much to us, it tells us you're enjoying the series. Even though I'm haughty and strict. Whatever I do. I do it for my family and for my children. I'm sure you know the burdens of a mother.

Daenerys Arryn / Targaryen; To all our readers, thank you for giving this book a chance to exist. Your love and support hasn't gone unnoticed. It gives me energy to fight for my birthright and take back my family dragons.

Prince Arthur Pendragon: To my Ghost Readers, thank you very much for clicking this book. However I'd love to meet you and hear your inputs about this story. Please I'm encouraging you, VOTE AND COMMENT.

Lady Alicent Hightower : I know you're expecting more plots and dialogue. But don't forget, the war will be fought, many will die and the victor will eventually ascend the throne. Don't be shocked, I just hope things go the way I want it and in the end I pray honour and decency prevails. Moreover, you've meet me in House of The Dragon, I was friends with the Princess Rheanyra Targaryen, married her father and became a step mother, birthing four wonderful children. But in this story, I'm just the daughter of the Hand of the King and I'm friends with Princess Morgana and she doesn't know that I'm deeply In love with her elder brother. Shhhh it's a secret. Don't tell anyone.💚

King Uther Pendragon: Ruling the Seven Kingdoms isn't an easy task. But I will maintain law and order. Magic will not be accepted in my kingdom and I will rid Westeros of any Targaryen I find. Their rule is full of cruelty and callousness, my reign is to hold the realm together from falling apart. Although I have secrets, but you need to find out as you read the book. SO PLEASE SHARE TO YOUR FRIENDS🐲

Princess Morgana: I may be a Princess, but sometimes i feel toothless, and I want to be free. One of my plans is to fly a dragon and run away from the palace, although I'm still learning Valyrian tongue. Arthur better not spill my secret to our parents or else I spill his secret of courting Margaery Tyrell. But if you want to know who's been sending me letters from the North. PLEASE READ, VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE.❤️

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