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As soon as Morgana exit the chamber. Gaius gives Daenerys a key to the water supply tunnels at Flea Bottom, just in case Arthur forgets to bring his own keys.

Meanwhile, the Red Keep was gradually getting dark, Ser Criston escorted the Princess across the inner bailey. The moon would soon hung low over the walls, ripening toward full.

Taking the stairs, on the ramparts, a guardsman in a gold cloak walked his rounds as Morgana enters the royal apartments with Ser Criston trailing behind with his left holding the hilt of his sword.

The royal apartments in Maegor's Holdfast, had a massive square fortress that nestled in the heart of the Red Keep behind walls twelve feet thick and a dry moat lined with iron spikes, a castle within a castle and Morgana takes the west wing, heading straight to her brothers chambers.

Ser Boros Blount guarded the far end of the bridge, white steel armor ghostly in the moonlight. Within, Morgana passed two other knights of the Kingsguard; Ser Preston Greenfield stood at the bottom of the steps.

Morgana continues walking until she sights Ser Barristan. His face was as pale as his armor. Morgana had only to look at him to know that something was dreadfully wrong.

Ser Barristan Selmy walked past and sights the princess, giving a curtly bow and Ser Criston nods respectfully at him, the Lord Commander of the King's Guard was heading to the Small Council Chambers with three men in white cloaks.

Morgana knew it already. The thought of Guinevere getting burned on the morrow irked her, she thought, trying not to imagine what strange chill she'd feel witnessing that.

She finally arrived at Arthur's chambers and opens the double doors and walks in with Ser Criston behind her. She darts her eyes left and right to see if anyone was in but no one was in sight, not her brother, not even his squire Merlin.

Fires blazed in the twin hearths at either end of the bedchamber, filling the room with a sullen red glare yet the cold breeze from the windows made the temperature of room pretty cool and warm.

She pace around his room to see everywhere properly tidy except for her brother's table that was in a disaster with the day's leftovers.

"Perhaps i should search the palace to help you look for him?" Criston suggests but Morgana declines.

"No need. Just wait outside, I'll wait in here until he returns." Morgana orders as Criston bows, before exiting the chamber, closing the doors behind him, as he stood on guard.

It was past six already, Arthur had not yet return, the door opens and Morgana rushes to see who it was, but her face fell to disappointment. Two female servants saw her and bowed in obeisance, before proceeding to lit the dozen tall candles that was installed around the Prince's chamber.

After they had left, Morgana began pacing back and forth, until she stopped at his window, looking outside to the Square from the Red Keep.

"Daenerys must be waiting for us." She mutters to herself breathless, feeling unease, pacing back and forth. They're running out of time. Seven Gods, where is Arthur? She thought to herself, constantly looking back at his door.

Moment later, past eight, Arthur arrives at his apartment, and sees his sister's protector standing along with the posted guards. He quickly got the hint that Morgana was in his chamber. Ser Criston greets in obeisance and stands aside as one of the guards open the door for him.

Arthur walks in and sees his sister at the fire area, rubbing her palms together, he clears his throat, snapping her out of her thoughts, Morgana turns to look at him with a little smile on her face. "I've been waiting for you to return. Your room was empty when i arrived" She began lively, as Arthur bops his head.

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