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As soon as Alicent reported Arthur's doings to her father, the Hand, he was very pleased, futhur more, Alicent complained to her father about Arthur's approach towards her, it seemed the Prince has eyes for only Margaery Tyrell but sets boundaries, he doesn't wants her to cross.

"I don't think he will ever find me desirable." Alicent voice cracked as she bites her curticule, feeling triggered with anxiety she sat on a nearby squared wooden stool.

"Stop that." Otto cautioned.

Alicent puts her hands down, whimpering, fighting her tears from falling. Her father then took her hands into his, staring into her teary orbs as a tear drop fell on her cheek. He brushed it off with his finger and raised her head to meet his gaze.

Otto Hightower encouraged his daughter to ignore whatever signs Arthur gave, he reassured her and told her his ambitions of making her the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

However to fulfill that, she'll have to get even more closer to Prince Arthur, and also be self aware of the Tyrells and their conniving schemes and plots relaying words of assurance to her.

"Listen to me my daughter, to achieve our aim, our hearts must remain as one, you mustn't appear weak nor intimidated by the Prince's arrogance nor his child's play with your cousin Margaery

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"Listen to me my daughter, to achieve our aim, our hearts must remain as one, you mustn't appear weak nor intimidated by the Prince's arrogance nor his child's play with your cousin Margaery."


"But Margaery......" Alicent sniffed.

"You see Margaery for what she truly is, an ambitious rose, unprimed and brash, preying her way into the royal family." Otto says distastefully.

"The Tyrells are hungry for more power."

"As is Margaery...... Arthur is courting her in secret.....I...i think he's already fallen in love with her.....at my own expense." Alicent said softly, her voice laced with bitterness, envy, and hurt.

"That's not true..... Arthur is just involved in an illicit affair. If Uther and Cersei were to find out, his relationship with Margaery will be nothing but smoke in an empty wind." Otto firmly assures her.

He softly squeezed her hands, staring into her eyes confidently.

"You look so much so much like your mother in certain lights Alicent, nothing should trigger your emotions. Put yourself together, keep a grip on your passions, master your strengths and weaknesses. Be assertive and intentional. Don't allow anyone make you feel less of yourself." Otto brazenly stated.

"Our blood will one-day sit the Iron throne, and in order to achieve that you must ignore Margaery's tricks and charm the Prince"

"I've try to charm him!!!" Alicent snapped, shuddering.

"I've tried to get his attention....., even thought of ways to seduce him! I am worked up, confused, stressed, angry...... The more I try to get closer to Arthur Pendragon, it seems to no avail. He's even more attached to Margaery, even to that Court physician, imagine him trying to risk his life to save her." Alicent spat.

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